Jesus said, "Tonight, My child, we will go to different part of the heart of hell. I want to tell you about the horns and show you how they will be used to funnel evil spirits and demon forces up to the surface of the earth."
As Jesus spoke, I began to witness an open vision. In the vision, I saw an old farmhouse, dead and gray-looking, surrounded with many dead trees and high, dead grass. The yard around the farmhouse was littered with dead things. There was no life there. The farmhouse looked as though it had settled at the corners and was sinking into the center of the field. There were no other buildings in sight.
Death was everywhere. I knew this farmhouse was part of hell, but I could not yet understand what I was seeing. Inside, behind the dingy windows, loomed large shadows in human shapes. There was something evil about their appearance. One of the shapes moved toward the front door and! opened it.
I watched as a huge man with extremely large muscles came out of the door and walked onto the porch. I saw him clearly. He was about six feet tall, with the bulky build of a weight lifter. His color was the same dead gray as the surroundings. He wore only a pair of men's pants. They were as gray and dead-looking as the bare skin of his upper body. His flesh was like scales, and his head was very big. In fact, his head was so large that his legs were bowed from carrying such a great load. His feet were hoofed like the feet of a pig. His face was stern and evil, and he looked to be very old. His eyes were dead, and his face was very broad.
In the vision, I saw this awful creature walk off I the old porch. The earth shook as he moved, and horns were growing out of the top of his head-large horns that grew up, up and out of sight. As he walked, I saw that the horns were growing, ever so slowly. Other horns also began to grow from his head. Little horns sprang from the bigger ones. I saw that his head was like a beast-a powerful evil beast, full of destruction. Each step he took shook the earth.
Jesus said, "Watch."
I saw the horns as they wound their way upward and ended in homes, churches, hospitals, offices and buildings of all kinds all over the earth. The horns did great damage throughout the land. I saw the beast speak and evil spirits were spit out on the earth. I saw many people seduced by these demonic forces and fall into Satan's snares.
We are in a war-good against evil, I thought.
"We are in a war," I heard the Spirit of the Lord say. "Good against evil."
Dark clouds came out of the horns and hid the many forms of evil that were going out upon the earth. All the abominations that God hates were there. I saw kingdoms arising out of the earth, and millions of people began to follow these evil forces. I saw the old horns removed and new ones grow in their places.
I heard Jesus say, "This is beginning to happen now! These things are, and were, and will be. Men will become lovers of themselves instead of God. Evil will be rampant in the last days. Men and women will love their homes, cars, lands, buildings, businesses, their silver and their gold more than Me.
"Repent," He said, "for I am a jealous God. Nothing can be placed before your worship of Me -not sons or daughters or wives or husbands. For God is a Spirit, and He must be worshiped in Spirit and truth."
I watched as the horns moved over the face of the earth, rising high into the heavens. New kingdoms arose, and there was war and destruction throughout the land. They that worshiped the beast were many.
The evil beast with the horns walked back and forth as if thinking, and the earth shook under his weight. After some minutes he returned to the farmhouse. Dark clouds arose, and many were dead in the land.
I saw the world in the midst of a great tribulation, and I began praying with all my heart. "O Lord, help us," I cried out. Then two large beasts in spirit forms rose out of the earth and began to make war with each other. I knew they came from hell.
A sea of people stood watching the fight between these two evils. And then I saw something rise from the ground between them. They stopped fighting and stood on each side of a big ship. Both beasts tried to destroy the ship, but they could not. They pushed it back beneath the earth, and buried it between the two of them. They stood face to face again, ready to resume their warfare.
I heard a voice say, "Watch."
As I watched, a light appeared on the ground where the ship was buried. The ship then reappeared on the surface of the ground and became a large disk. The two beasts began to take on other forms and became large and black. A door in front of the disk opened, and a strong beam of light revealed a flight of stairs. The stairs went down, down into the earth, and I heard a voice say, "Into hell!"
There was a strong sense of evil in the air, and I felt lost and undone as I watched. A paralyzing force came out of the disk, and I had nowhere to run. I felt trapped, even though I was in the Spirit.
Almost at once, Jesus lifted me up higher and higher until I was looking down on the vision. But now the stairs had become an escalator, which was moving up and down from the heart of the earth. When I was beside Jesus, I felt safe and protected. "It shall come out of hell," I heard a voice say.
Jesus said, "This shall be. This is yet to come. Write for all to know."
In my vision the escalator was bringing up demon forces and evil spirits. The two beasts stood, one on each side of the ship, and I saw them begin to change again. I heard the sound of a great roar-the sound of motors running at a high rate of speed. The beasts' heads got large, and a light began to fill their hands. I saw the two beasts and the ship as the three of them were joined together.
Many souls, as if walking in their sleep, marched into one of the beasts. For hours I watched this gruesome sight, until at last, one of the beasts I was packed with people. As I listened, from the first! beast came a great roar as if a plane was getting ready for takeoff. The beast had gotten his power from the ship. As he began to fly, he was again in the form of a man. As he flew, his head seemed to be full of lights and great powers emanated from him.'
As he disappeared into the heavens, his head became the ship again.
I could still hear the sound of the first beast as I watched the second beast fill up with souls. When he was full, I saw the second beast begin to go straight up like a rocket. He joined the other beast, and they both moved slowly away into the gray sky. The second beast had also taken on the form of a man. I heard their loud roar as they went out of sight.
I wondered what this meant. I saw the ship, or disk, settle itself back into the earth. The earth closed up over it until it was again out of sight. As the vision began to fade, I saw a large courtroom, and I thought of the great white throne judgment.
DuchoweHear the eyewitness testimony on the True Existence of Hell. Mary Katherine Baxter was chosen by God to let the world know of the REALITY of Hell. Jesus Christ appeared to Mary Baxter on 40 consecutive nights and took Mary on a tour of Hell and H...