Chapter 9 The Horrors of Hell

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I understand why the people in these cells in the belly of hell were different from those elsewhere in torment.  There was much I did not understand.  I simply listened to Jesus and made a record of all I heard and saw for the glory of God.

As far as I could see, the cells seemed to be in an endless circle.  There was a single soul in each cell.  Moans, wails, sighs and groans came from the cells as we walked past them.

We had not walked far when Jesus stopped in front of another cell.  As we looked in, a light came on.  (Jesus made the light.) I stood and looked at a soul that I knew was in great torment! It was another woman, and she was a blue-gray color.  Her flesh was dead, and the parts that had decayed were falling off the bones.  Her bones were all burned to a deep black, and she had on bits and pieces of ragged clothes.  Worms were crawling out of her flesh and bones.  A dirty odor filled the cell.

Like the woman before, she too was sitting in a rocking chair.  She was holding a rag doll.  And as she rocked, she cried and held the rag doll to her chest.  Great sobs shook her body, and wailing cries came from the cell.

Jesus told me, "She also was a servant of !i Satan.  She sold her soul to him, and while she was alive, she practiced every kind of evil.  Witchcraft is real," said Jesus.  "This woman taught and practiced witchcraft and turned many toward the path of sin.  Those who were teachers of witchcraft received special attention and a greater amount of power from Satan than those who simply practiced it.  She was a soothsayer, a diviner and a medium for her master.

"She gained great favor with Satan for all the evil she committed.  She knew how to use the powers of darkness for herself and for Satan.  She went to devil-worship services and praised Satan.  She was a powerful woman for him."

I wondered how many souls she had deceived for Satan.  I looked at this bony shell of a soul, crying over a rag doll-just a dirty piece of cloth.  Sorrow filled my heart, and tears filled my eyes.  She held tightly to the rag doll as if it could help her, or perhaps she could help it.  The smell of death filled the place.

Then I saw her begin to change like the other woman.  She was first an old woman in the 1930's and then a young woman of today.  Time after time, she made this fantastic transformation right before our eyes.

"This woman," said Jesus, "was the equivalent of a preacher for Satan.  Just as the true gospel is preached to us by a real minister, so Satan has his counterfeit ministers.  She had the strongest kind of satanic power, one which she was required to sell her soul to receive.  Satan's evil gifts are like the opposite side of the coin to the spiritual gifts Jesus bestows upon believers.  This is the power of darkness.

"These workers of Satan work in the occult, the witchcraft shops, as palm readers, and in many other ways.  A medium of Satan is a powerful satanic worker.  These individuals are utterly deceived and are sold out completely to Satan.  Some workers of darkness cannot even speak to Satan unless their medium speaks for them.  They make human and animal sacrifices to the devil.

"Many people give their souls to Satan.  They choose to serve him instead of Me.  Their choice is death unless they repent of their sins and call upon Me.  I am faithful, and I will save them from their sins.  Many also sell their souls to Satan thinking they will live forever.  But they will die a horrible death.

"Satan still thinks he can overthrow God and disrupt God's plan, but he was defeated at the cross.  I took the keys away from Satan, and I have all power in heaven and in earth.

"After this woman died, she went straight to hell.  The demons brought her before Satan, where in anger she asked why the demons had control over her, for on earth she thought she controlled them.  There they had done her bidding.  She also asked Satan for the kingdom he had promised her.

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