Chapter 14 The Left Arm of Hell

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A Prophecy From Jesus to All

Jesus said, "These things are now beginning in the earth, are yet to be, and are soon coming upon all the earth.  The fiery serpent is part of the beast.  These prophecies you are about to read are true.  The revelations are true.  Watch and pray.  Love one another.  Keep yourselves holy.  Keep your hands clean.

"Husbands, love your wives as Christ loved the church.  Husbands and wives, love each other as I have loved you.  I ordained marriage and blessed it with My Word.  Keep the marriage bed holy.  Cleanse yourself from all unrighteousness and be pure, even as I am pure.

"The holy people of God have been led away by flatterers.  Do not be deceived; God is not mocked.  Understanding will come to you if you will open your ears and listen to Me.  This is the Lord's message to the churches.  Beware of false prophets who stand in My holy place and deceive with flatteries.  O earth, My holy people have fallen asleep to the sound of false doctrine.  Awake, Awake! I tell you that all unrighteousness is sin.  Cleanse yourself from all sins of the flesh and the spirit.

"My holy prophets lived holy lives, but you have rebelled against Me and My holiness.  You have brought evil upon yourself.  You have sinned and brought yourself into bondage to sickness and death.  You have committed iniquity and have done wickedly and have rebelled against Me.  You have departed from My precepts and from My judgments.  You have not hearkened to the words of My servants, the prophet and the prophetess.  Curses instead of " blessings have come upon you, and still you refuse to return to me and repent of your sins.

"If you will return and repent and if you will honor Me with the fruit of righteousness, I will bless your homes and honor your marriage beds.  If you will humble yourselves and call upon Me, I will hear you and bless you.

"Listen, you ministers of My Holy Word.  Do not teach My people to sin against their God.  Remember that judgment begins at the house of God; unless you repent, I will remove you for the sins you have taught My people.  Do you think that I am blind that I cannot see and deaf that I cannot hear?

"You who hold the truth in unrighteousness and line your pockets with silver and gold at the expense of the poor-repent, I say, before it is too late.  On the day of judgment you will stand alone before Me to give an account of what you did with My Holy Word.  If you call upon Me in repentance, I will remove the curse from your lands and bless you with a mighty blessing.  If you will repent and be ashamed of your sins, I will have mercy and compassion on you, and I will not remember your sins anymore.  Pray that you may be an overcomer.

"Awake to life and live.  Repent to the people you have led astray and taught false doctrine.  Tell them you have sinned and that you have scattered My sheep.  Repent to them.

"Behold, I am preparing a holy army.  They will do mighty exploits for me and destroy your high places.  They are an army of holy men and women, boys and girls.  They have been anointed to preach the true gospel, to lay hands on the sick and to call the sinner to repentance.

"This is an army of working men, housewives, single men, single women and school children.  They are common people, for not many noble have responded to My call.  In the past they have been misunderstood and mistreated, abused and rejected.  But I have blessed them with boldness in holiness and in spirit.  They will begin to fulfill My prophecy, and to do My will.  I will walk in them, talk in them I and work in them.

"These are they who have turned to me with all their heart, soul, mind and strength.  This army will awaken many to righteousness and purity of spirit.  I will soon begin to move upon them, to choose for My army those I desire.  I will search for them in the cities and in the towns.  Many will be surprised at those I have chosen.  You will see them begin to move across the land and do exploits for My name's sake.  Watch and see My power at work.

"Again I tell you, do not defile the marriage bed.  Do not defile the body in which the Holy Ghost dwells.  Sins of the body lead to sins of the spirit.  Keep the marriage bed holy.  I made man for woman and woman for man and decreed that the two should be united in holy matrimony.  Again, I say awake."

I saw many other visions in the left arm of hell.  I was instructed by the Lord that I must not reveal them now.  Many of them were visions of the world in the end-times, when many of the people of God will fall away and be lost.

In the visions, I was given revelations about the body of Christ, the ministry of the sons of God, the children of the beast and the ultimate return of Christ.  "Later, you may reveal them," He said, "but not now."

"This army," said the Lord, "which was spoken of by the prophet Joel, will arise from the land and do great works for God.  The Son of Righteousness shall arise with healing in His wings.  He shall tread down the wicked, and they shall be ashes under the soles of His feet.

"They shall be called the army of the Lord.  I will give gifts unto them, and they will accomplish My mighty works.  They shall do exploits for the

Lord of glory.  I will pour out My Spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and daughters shall prophesy.

"This army shall fight against the forces of evil and shall destroy much of Satan's work.  They shall win many to Jesus Christ before the day the evil beast arises," said the Lord.

Jesus said, "Come, it is time to go now."

At last we were leaving the visions and the left arm of hell.  I was very glad.

As we departed, Jesus said, "Tell your families I love them and correct them in love.  Tell them that " I will keep them from evil if they will put their trust in Me."

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon