Chapter 6 Activity in Hell

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A head of us I could see a dim, yellow light.  Jesus and I had come out of the tunnel of fear and now stood on a dirty ledge overlooking the belly of hell.  As far as I could see, there was a great amount of activity going on in the center (the belly) of hell.

We stopped, and Jesus spoke.  "I am going to take you through the belly of hell, and I am going to reveal many things to you.  Come, follow Me." The two of us walked on.

Jesus said, "Ahead are many terrors.  They are not the figment of someone's imagination-but they are real.  Be sure to tell your readers that demon powers are real.  Tell them also that Satan is real, and the powers of darkness are real.  But tell them not to despair, for if My people which are called by My name will humble themselves and pray and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and heal their lands and their bodies.  Just as surely as heaven is real-even so, hell is also real"

God wants you to know about hell, and He wants to save you from that place.  God wants you to know you have a way out.  That way is Jesus Christ, the Savior of your soul.  Remember, only those with their names written in the Lamb's Book of Life will be saved.

We came to the first activity in the belly of hell.  It was to the right of where we had entered and up on a small hill in a dark corner of hell.

I remembered the words of the Lord when He said to me, "It will seem sometimes like I have left you, but I will not.  Remember that I have all power in heaven and in earth.  At times the evil spirits and lost souls will not see us or know we are here.  Fear not.  What you are about to see is real.  These things are happening right now and will continue to happen until death and hell are cast into the lake of fire."

Reader, make sure your name is written in the Lamb's Book of Life.

Ahead of us I could hear voices and the cries of a soul in torment.  We walked up the small hill and looked over.  A light filled the area, so I could see clearly.  Cries like you have never thought possible were filling the air.  They were the cries of a man.

"Listen to Me," said Jesus.  "What you are about to see and hear is true.  Take heed you ministers of the gospel, for these are faithful and true sayings.  Awake, evangelists, preachers, and teachers of My Word, all of you who are called to preach the gospel of the Lord Jesus Christ.  If you are sinning, repent or you will likewise perish."

We walked up to within fifteen feet of this activity.  I saw small dark-clothed figures marching around a boxlike object.  Upon closer examination, I saw that the box was a coffin and the figures marching around it were demons.  It was a real coffin, and there were twelve demons marching around it.  As they marched, they were chanting and laughing.  Each one had a sharp spear in his hand, which he kept thrusting into the coffin through small openings that lined the outside.

There was a feeling of great fear in the air, and I trembled at the sight before me.

Jesus knew my thoughts, for He said, "Child, there are many souls in torment here, and there are many different types of torment for these souls.  There is greater punishment for those who once preached the gospel and went back into sin, or for those who would not obey the call of God for their lives.  "

I heard a cry so desperate that it filled my heart with despair.  "No hope, no hope!" he called.  The hopeless cry came from the coffin.  It was an endless wail of regret.

"God, how awful!" I said.

"Come," said Jesus, "let's go closer." With that, He walked up to the coffin and looked inside.  I followed and also looked in.  It appeared that the evil spirits could not see us.

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon