Chapter 16 The Center of Hell

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Again the Lord and I went into hell.  Jesus said to me, "My child, for this purpose you were born, to write and tell what I have told you and shown you.  For these things are faithful and true.  I have called you forth to tell the world through you that there is a hell, but I have made a way of escape.  I will not show you all parts of hell.  And there are hidden things which I cannot reveal to you.  But I will show you much.  Now come and see the powers of darkness and their end."

We went again to the belly of hell and began to walk toward a small opening.  I turned to look where we were entering and found that we were on a ledge beside a cell in the center of hell.  We stopped in front of a cell in which was a beautiful woman.  Over the top of the cell were the letters "B.C."

I heard the woman say, "Lord, I knew you would come someday.  Please let me out of this place of torment." She was dressed in the clothes of an ancient era, and she was very beautiful.  I knew that .I she had been here for many centuries but could not die.  Her soul was in torment.  She began to pull at the bars and cry.

Softly Jesus said, "Peace, be still." He spoke to her with sadness in His voice.  "Woman, you know why you are here."

"Yes," she said, "but I can change.  I remember, when You let all those others out of paradise.  I " remember Your words of salvation.  I will be good now," she cried, "and I will serve You." She clenched the bars of the cell in her tiny fists and began to scream, "Let me out! Let me out!"

At that, she began to change before our eyes.  Her clothing began to burn.  Her flesh fell off, and all that remained was a black skeleton with burned-out holes for eyes and a hollow shell of a soul.  I watched in horror as the old woman fell to the floor.  All her beauty had departed in a moment.  It staggered my imagination to think that she had been here since before Christ was born.

Jesus said to her, "You knew on earth what your end would be.  Moses gave you the law, and you heard it.  But instead of obeying My law, you chose to be an instrument in the hands of Satan, a soothsayer and witch.  You even taught the art of witchcraft.  You loved darkness rather than light, and your deeds were evil.  If you had repented with your heart, My Father would have forgiven you.  But now, it is too late."

With sorrow and great pity in our hearts, we walked away.  There would never be an end to her pain and sufferings.  Her bony hands reached out to us as we walked on.

"My child," said the Lord, "Satan uses many devices to destroy good men and women.  He works day and night, trying to get people to serve him.  If you fail to choose to serve God, you have chosen to serve the devil.  Choose life, and the truth will set you free."

After walking for a short distance, we stopped in front of another cell.  I heard a man's voice calling out, "Who is there? Who is there?" I wondered why he called out.

Jesus said, "He is blind."

I heard a sound and looked about.  Ahead of us was a large demon with huge wings which appeared to be broken.  He looked right past us.  I stood close to Jesus.

Together, we turned to look at the man who had spoken.  He also was in a cell, and his back was to us-he was a skeleton form with fire and the smell of death on him.  He was flailing the air and crying out, "Help me.  Help, someone!"

Tenderly, Jesus said, "Man, peace, be still."

The man turned and said, "Lord, I knew You would come for me.  I repent now.  Please let me out.  I know I was a horrible person and used my handicap for selfish gain.  I know I was a sorcerer and deceived many for Satan.  But Lord, I repent now.  Please let me out.  Day and night I am tormented in these flames, there is no water.  I am so thirsty." He cried, "won't You give me a drink of water?"

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon