Chapter 19 The Jaws of Hell

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The next night Jesus and I walked into the jaws of hell.

Jesus said, "We are almost through hell, my child.  I will not show you all of hell.  But what I have shown you, I want you to tell the world.  Tell them hell is real.  Tell them this report is real."

As we walked, we stopped on a hill overlooking a small valley.  As far as I could see there were piles of human souls lining the sides of this hill.  I could hear their cries.  Loud noises filled the place.  Jesus said, "My child, this is the jaws of hell.  Every time the mouth of hell is opened, you will hear that loud noise.  "

The souls were trying to get out but could not, for they were embedded in the sides of hell.

As Jesus spoke, I saw many dark forms falling down past us and landing with a thud at the bottom of the hill.  Demons with great chains were dragging souls away.  Jesus said, "Those are the souls that have just died on earth and are arriving in hell.  This activity goes on day and night."

Suddenly, a great silence filled the place.  Jesus said, "I love you, My child, and I want you to tell the people of earth about hell."

I looked far down into the jaws of hell through a kind of porthole in the sides of the jaws.  Cries of pain and torment came up from there.  When will this end? I wondered.  I would be so glad to rest from it all.

Then, all at once, I felt very lost.  I cannot say how I knew, but I knew with all my heart that Jesus was gone.  I felt very sad.  I turned to where He had been.  Sure enough, there was no Jesus! "Oh no!" I cried, "Not again! O Jesus, where are You?"

What you are about to read will frighten you.! I pray it will frighten you enough to make you a believer.  I pray you will repent of your sins so you will not go to that awful place.  I pray you will believe me, for I do not want this to happen to anyone else.  I love you and hope you will awake before it is too late.

If you are a Christian and you are reading this, be sure of your salvation.  Be ready to meet the Lord at all times, for sometimes there is no time to repent.  Keep your light burning and your lamp full of oil.  Be ready, for you do not know when He will return.  If you are not born again, read John 3:16-19, and call upon the Lord.  He will save you from this place of torment.

As I cried out to Jesus, I began to run down the hill looking for Him.  I was stopped by a large demon with a chain.  He laughed and said, "You have nowhere to run, woman.  Jesus is not here to save you.  You are in hell forever."

"Oh no," I cried, "let me go!" I fought him with all my strength but was soon bound with a chain and thrown to the ground.  As I lay there, a strange, gooey film began to cover my body with a stink so horrible I felt sick.  I did not know what was going to happen.

And then I felt my flesh and skin begin to fall off my bones! I screamed and screamed in abject horror.  "O Jesus," I called out, "where are You?"

I looked at myself and saw that holes were beginning to appear all over my remaining flesh.  I began to turn a dirty-gray color, and gray flesh fell off me.  There were holes in my sides, my legs, my hands and my arms.  I cried out, "Oh, no! I am in hell forever! Oh, no!"

I began to feel the worms inside me and looked; to find that my bones were teeming with them.  Even when I could not see them, I knew they were there.  I tried to pull them off me, but more came to fill the place.  I could actually feel the decay in my body. 

Yes, I knew everything and could remember exactly what had happened on earth.  I could feel, see, smell, hear and taste the torments of hell.  I could see inside myself.  I was only a dirty skeletal form, yet I could feel all that was happening to me.  I saw others like myself.  There were souls as far as I could see.

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon