Chapter 13 The Right Arm of Hell

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After the first vision, Jesus and I went to a different part of hell.  Jesus said, "These things you are seeing are for the end times." Another vision appeared before me.

Jesus said, "We are in the right arm of hell."

We walked up a high, dry hill.  At the top of the hill, I looked below and saw a swirling river.  There were no pits of fire or demons or evil spirits, only the large river flowing between unseen banks.  The banks of the river were hidden in the darkness.  Jesus and I walked closer to the river, and I saw that it was full of blood and fire.

As I looked closer, I saw many souls, each chained to another.  The weight of the chains dragged them under the surface of the lake of fire.

The souls in hell were in the fire of hell.  I saw also that they were in the form of skeletons with misty gray souls.

"What is this?" I asked the Lord.

"These are the souls of the unbelievers and the ungodly.  These were lovers of their own flesh more than lovers of God.  They were men loving men, and women loving women, who would not repent and be saved from their sin.  They enjoyed their life of sin and spumed My salvation."

I stood beside Jesus and looked into the lake of fire.  The fire began to roar like a great furnace, moving and devouring everything in its path.  Soon it filled nearly the entire right arm of hell.

The fire approached to within feet of us, but I did not touch us.  The river was burning everything in its path.  I watched Jesus' face, and it was sad and tender.  He still had love and compassion for these lost souls written on His countenance.  I began to cry and wished I could leave this place of torment, to go on was almost unbearable.

I looked again at the souls in the fire.  They were a fiery red, and their bones were blackened and burned.  I heard their souls cry out in regret and sorrow.

The Lord said, "This is their torment.  Chain after chain, they are linked together.  These desired the flesh of their own kind, men with men, and women with women, doing that which is unnatural.  They led many young girls and young boys into acts of sin.  They called it love, but in the end it was sin and death.

"I know that many boys and girls, men and women were forced against their wills to commit such atrocious acts-I know and will not hold this sin to their charge.  Remember this though," said Jesus, "I know all things, and the persons who made these youths to sin have the greater punishment.  I will judge righteously.  'to the sinner, I say, 'Repent, and I will have mercy.  Call on Me and I will hear.'

"Time after time I called to these souls to repent and to come unto Me.  I would have forgiven them and cleansed them; and in My name they could have been set free.  But they would not listen to Me.  They wanted the lust of the flesh more than the love of the living God.  Because I am holy, you must be holy.  'touch not the unclean thing, and I will receive you," said the Lord.

I felt very sick as I looked at the souls in the lake of fire.

"If only they had turned to Me before it was too late," Jesus continued.  "My blood was shed so that everyone could come to Me.  I gave My life that even the vilest of sinners might live."

Multitudes of souls went by in the river of flames.  Over and under the waves of fire, they went' with no way out of the burning and swimming in the lake of fire.  I heard cries of regret as the bloody river flowed by us.

We walked up a trail beside the river.  In front of us, sitting on a hill, was a large woman.  She swayed back and forth as though she was drunk.  Written on her were the words "Mystery Babylon."

I now knew the mother of abominations on the earth came from hell.  An evil, powerful force emanated from her.  I saw multitudes, peoples and tongues beneath her.  She had seven heads and ten horns.  In her was found the blood of the prophets, the saints and all that were slain upon the earth.

"Come out from her and be separate", said the Lord.  "In her time she shall be destroyed."

We walked on past the evil woman with the horns on her head.  Everything began to get dark.  Now Jesus was the only light.  We walked until we came to another hillside.  In the distance I could see hot flames in the air.  The atmosphere became oppressively hot.

We went around the hill and came to a large door with slots cut in it.  It was set into the side of the hill.  A large chain was on the door, and flames raged from it.  The door was also bolted with large locks.  I wondered what it all meant.

All at once, the dark figure of a man, attired in a long, dark cape, appeared in front of the door.  His face looked to be very old and very tired.  The skin of his face was pulled tightly against the bones of his skull.  He looked to be a thousand years old.

Jesus said to me, "Behind that doorway is the bottomless pit.  My Word is true."

The flames behind the door reached higher until the door bulged from the pressure of the heat.

"Dear Lord," I said, "I'll be glad when Satan is cast into the bottomless pit and all these evil things stop for a season."

He replied, "Come, hear what the Spirit is saying to the churches.  The end is near, and I am calling sinners to repent and be saved.  Look now."

We were standing in a clearing, and I was with the Lord in the Spirit.  I looked and beheld an open vision.  In the vision I saw a fiery serpent begin to strike the air with his enormous tail.  I watched as this spiritual serpent moved with awesome power.

Then I saw him go back into the right arm of " hell and wait.  I knew that He could not strike the earth until God's Word would be fulfilled.

I saw fire and smoke ascend out of the earth, and I saw a strange mist as it formed over the earth.  I saw patches of darkness appear here and there.  Horns began to grow on the head of the fiery serpent.  They spread out until they covered the whole earth.  Satan gave orders to the fiery serpent.  There were evil spirits and devils present.  Then I saw the evil, fiery serpent come out of the right arm of hell and begin to strike the earth with great force, hurting and destroying many people.

Jesus said, "This will happen in the end times.  Come up higher."

Reader, if you are committing any of the sins I have written about, please stop sinning and call upon Jesus to save you.  You do not have to go to hell.  Call upon the Lord while He is near.  He will hear you and save you.  Whoever calls on the name of the Lord will be saved.

A Divine REVELATION OF HELLTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon