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I paced back in forth anxiously in my room, my phone placed upside down on my desk so I would stop messing with it. I stared it down, trying to will it to ring telepathically, but I was met with more silence.

It's been a full twenty-four hours already since the interview yesterday, and I have yet to hear anything back from the firm, or Mr Valenti, and the anxiety was starting to get to me. What if he was lying? What if he was just playing a joke on me to see if I fell for it, and I fell for it like a sucker. I would never be able to work up the courage to go to another interview again, I'd be so embarrassed. And I had already done a little bit of bragging to my roommate, if this falls through he'll never let me live it down.

I gave in to temptation, picking my phone up and looking at the time. It was now 9:43, and still not a phone call in sight.

I groaned, placing it back down and storming away. Alright Raine, let's calm down, it's still early in the morning. There are some people on this world who aren't even awake yet. I'm sure Mr. Valenti has many meetings and conferences today, he's a very busy and powerful man, I'm sure he's running around right now like a chicken with it's head cut off trying to get everything done before sitting down to call me. Yeah, that makes sense.

I didn't even have classes today, and I didn't have a job at the moment obviously, so I didn't even have anything to keep my mind distracted or pass the time. Plus my roommate wasn't here either, he spent that night at a man's house last night and I haven't heard from him yet today. All I could do is watch some random mind-numbing show on Netflix, nap, or eat. I think I'll eat something.

I wandered into the kitchen, swinging open the large fridge door. I looked at the things I had, some eggs, a little bacon, milk, fruit, spinach, juice. Not many options here, I really should go grocery shopping but I'm lazy.

I closed the fridge making the freezer my next victim. Inside I had some frozen waffles, ice cream, and a package of frozen chicken. Eh.

I closed the freezer, opening the cabinets where I kept my canned things. There wasn't much there, just some Chef Boyardee raviolis, two cans of tuna, a couple Tupperware containers, and a can of beans. I do have a loaf of bread and some cereal on top of the fridge and a box of Cocoa Krispies, so I do have some options here. I'll most likely go for the cereal, I don't feel like cooking at the moment, and I'm not really good at it to be honest with you. I can boil an egg, maybe whip up a pancake or two, a slice of bacon, but that's as far as my expertise goes.

I opened an upper cabinet, pulling one of my favorite ceramic bowls down and placing it on the counter. I poured myself a bowl of Coco Krispies and milk, taking it back to my room. I sat it on my beside table, and was about to pick up my phone off of my desk, when it began ringing and vibrating. I nearly jumped out of my skin it scared me so bad but I quickly snapped out of it before picking up my phone and putting it to my ear.

"Hello?" I said, trying to balance my breathing.

"Good morning!" Said a woman's voice that sounded like Mr. Valenti's assistant, Ava I think her name was. "Is this Raine?"

"Yes this is he." I said quickly. Oh my god this is really happening, it wasn't a joke. Thank God in the heavens above, I was two seconds away from having a panic attack.

"Hi Raine this is Ava from Valenti Law offices, how are you today?" She asked sweetly. How I wanted to tell her to skip the pleasantries and get to the good stuff, but I didn't want to be rude over the phone.

"I'm great how are you?" I asked in my best professional voice.

"I'm good, I was calling in regards to scheduling your second interview for the intern position." She said. I smiled widely, stopping myself from jumping up and down. "I'm going to patch you through to Mr. Valenti, one moment."

Huh? Why does she need to patch me through? I began to pace again as some soft elevator music played on the other line. Oh god, what if he changed his mind, what if he's about to politely let me down, but didn't want Ava to hurt my feelings so he said he'd do it himself?

I was brought out of my endless pit of anxiety by the sound of someone picking up the phone. There was a little rustling, then a familiar voice. "Raine?"

"Hi Mr. Valenti Sir." I said, not even trying to hide the happiness in my voice. He sounded like he was in a good mood, maybe this won't be bad.

"Hi Raine, it's good to hear your voice, how are you?" He asked sweetly.

"I'm awesome." I said, sitting down on my bed, feeling my nerves ease by the second. Something about his tone of voice was very calming.

"That's great to hear. I just wanted to call and see what time you'd be available for your second interview. Do you have any availability for tomorrow by chance? Sometime in the morning preferably?" He asked. "I'd love to get you going sooner rather than later."

I have a 8AM class tomorrow, it's Wednesday, and it was one of the days I did list as unavailable during my application and my interview, besides Tuesdays, like today. I don't have classes Tuesdays and only go to school until about noon on Wednesdays and Thursdays, so I'd like to keep those days as light as possible.

"Unfortunately I have classes until about noon, what about later in the day, I could possibly do a 2PM if that works for you?" I asked.

"Hmm let me check my schedule, one moment." He said, that same elevator music playing again. Awe shit, I hope that wasn't the wrong thing to say, maybe I should've just came in super early, like before my classes began or something. Nah, then I wouldn't have made it to my first class on time and I'd be behind in class work, and I cant afford that right now.

The music stopped again, and I held my breath. "Alright Raine, we can do 2PM tomorrow, I'll make it work for you." He said in a calm voice. I unintentionally let out a large sigh, smiling.

"Thank you so much Sir, I really appreciate it. I cant wait!" I said happily.

"Of course Raine, I'm very excited too. I have to go, but I'll see you tomorrow. Have a good day."

"You too Sir, bye." I hung up the phone, tossing it on my bed and commencing the happy dance. I did it! I'm one step closer to having my dream job! I'm so excited!

I wonder what he's going to ask me? We toured last time and he did ask me a few things but nothing too serious, I wonder if they're going to tell me how much I'm going to be paid, that would be nice. If he doesn't ask me I'll definitely ask him. And I'm going to make sure to ask about what my hours and tasks as well, he didn't really get into what I'd be doing for him on a daily basis and I'm curious.

But it must be very exciting to be his intern, what if I get to sit in on a really big case, that would be awesome! He must do a bunch of cool things every day, I can't wait to bare witness. What if he even brings me to functions outside or work, like a mixer or a Christmas party! The amount of connections I'll be able to make these next six months is going to be so great.

I flipped back in my bed, smiling up at the ceiling. Now I just have to find out what to wear!

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