Chapter 1: Old Grudges

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▪️◾Present Time◾▪️

Livia growled. "I hate reading."

"Then go sort through the other things." Oliverbranch frowned. "I didn't ask you to read the books."

"Yes you did. Like five minutes ago."


Livia huffed. "You're so old."

Olivebranch whipped around. "Watch it, Livia, I-"

"You'll make me read a book?" Livia asked dryly. "What a horrible punishment."

Olivebranch glared. "You need to learn respect."

"You need to learn to remember things." Livia rolled her eyes.

She stood up and walked over to the relics that Olivebranch had brought from Cybertron. Weird shaped metal stuff that Livia didn't totally understand. Olivebranch was a pacifist, so it was probably all weird historic artifacts.

Livia grabbed a small one and dragged it across the floor toward a pile of small stuff that was also circular-ish.

She plopped it down and turned it over, examining the object curiously. Her thumb sunk into a small crevice and then a light on it started flashing red.

Livia scrambled away from it immediately. "Olivebranch, I think I set off a bomb!"

The old Cybertronian looked over quickly and her eyes widened.

"You fool, that's not a bomb, it's a locator beacon!"

"What does that mean!?"

"They can find us." Olivebranch replied curtly, grabbing the beacon and Livia.

"Hey! Put me down!" Livia snapped.

Olivebranch ignored her request and climbed out of the cave, transforming into a Jeep and taking off through the forest.

"We need to get it away from the library so that they cannot find it." Olivebranch stated.

"Why don't we just break it?" Livia demanded.

"Because if they saw the signal in only one place, that's the only place they'll check. It would be better if they assumed we were carrying it all along." Olivebranch explained.

Livia frowned. "Okay, fine. How fast do you expect them to find u-"

Just as Olivebranch exited the forest and began to drive through a field, red blasts started to fire at them. Livia shrieked and looked back. They were being chased by two cars and four jets, all of which looked identical.

"Decepticons!" Olivebranch exclaimed, her speed dial reaching it's maximum.

"What do we do!?" Livia demanded. "This is a really bad time for you to be a-"

A blast struck the back of Olivebranch's alternative mode and the jeep went careening to the side before rolling over a few times and then coming to a stop upside-down.

Livia coughed and crawled out of Olivebranch before the bot transformed. The beacon dropped down next to Livia with a small thump.

"Hold your fire!" Olivebranch yelled. "We are neutr-"

Another portal open and Livia watched in surprise as another group of more brightly colored bots sped out, attacking the Decepticons.

The Autobots, Livia realized.


The battle was over quickly, considering the vechicons were vastly outnumbered. Olivebranch dropped her foot down in front of Livia before she could be seen.

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