Chapter 2: Discharged

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Livia leaned forward, her nose practically touching the windshield of Olivebranch's jeep. Olivebranch instructed her not to speak unless absolutely necessary and then decided that she needed rest.

So she transformed, backed into a corner, and Livia has stayed inside of her ever since.

She fell asleep long ago, but now she was wide awake and watching as the Autobots moved around their base. Apparently there were other kids here, but they had been sleeping in their guardians' rooms when Livia and Olivebranch first arrived.

It's been ages since Livia met another kid her age. Well, at least one who didn't want to beat her up. Practically all of the humans Livia met wanted her dead.

Finally, the three kids came walking out and the girl, Miko's eyes raced around the room until they landed on Olivebranch. The two girls mad eye contact through the windshield.

And grinned.

"Remember, I told you not to speak unless absolutely necessary. That means ignoring the human." Olivebranch reminded her.

"You're such a killjoy." Livia rolled her eyes. "I'll talk to whoever I want to."

Miko knocked on the window, the other two kids behind her. It seemed that most of the bots where watching them. Livia grinned excitedly and tried to open the door. Locked.

"You'll talk only if it's an emergency." Olivebranch growled.

Livia glared. "Hey, if you want to keep me, you have to earn the Autobots' trust, so unless you want them to think you're locking me away from civilization, you best let me out."

Olivebranch's engine revved slightly in anger. "Don't test me, child."

"I'm not. They are." She pointed at Optimus, who was watching the scene with a disapproving expression.

Olivebranch's fans turned on. "Fine. But don't say anything stupid."

Livia launched out of the door the moment it unlocked.

"Hi! I'm Miko, the fun one! This is Raf, he the smart one, and Jack, he's the not so smart one." She introduced.

"Miko!" Jack exclaimed indignantly.

"There are five rolls of popcorn in the freezer, which is upside-down." Livia replied.

Miko blinked.

"I'm kidding, Olivebranch told me not to say anything stupid, so I just had to do it. Anyway, I'm Livia, the awesome one." Livia explained.

"Oh, I already know I'm going to like you." Miko grinned.

"I won't." Ratchet muttered, turning away and getting to his work on the computer.

Livia laughed and looked back at Miko. "So, where do we begin?"


After listening to Miko's entire life story, which was awesome by the way, she was starving. Livia met a woman named Nurse June Darby, who was Jack's mom. They told her she shouldn't meet Agent Fowler just yet.

Olivebranch had transformed and kept quiet, wacthing Livia and only moving every once in a while when she was asked a question.

"I brought food!" Ms. Darby announced, walking over with a paper bag with a yellow M on it.

"Sweet! I'm starving!" Miko exclaimed, tossing Livia a plastic ball.

She tilted her head curiously and opened it before examining the squishy object.

"You planning on eating that?" Miko asked, her face stuffed.

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