Chapter 11: Innocence

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Megatron held Livia carefully in his hands and brought her to another room, where Orion was standing at a computer and typing.

He turned around as they entered and Orion's eyes fell to Megatron's hands, where Livia was staring at him. She could tell just by his face that something was different. He seemed less... tense.

"Is that Lifestar?" Orion whispered, stepping forward.

"What the..." Livia trailed off as Orion picked her up from Megatron's hands and examined her.

Orion's eyes filled with grief. "You can talk now. I missed your first words..."

Livia's eyes widened. "You- you don't remember me?"

"And you don't remember me." Orion replied sadly.

Livia shook her head. "No. No, this isn't right." She looked at Megatron and glared. "What did you do? This isn't Optimus!"

Megatron looked down sadly. "I'm sorry."

Livia's eyes filled with horror and she looked back and forth between the two bots.


"My name is Livia!" Livia yelled.

Orion flinched back and Livia's heart panged with hurt and regret.

"I- I'm sorry." She apologized, seeing his broken expression.

"It's okay. I know this is... difficult for you." Orion told her.

"It is difficult for us all." Megatron said. "To have forgotten the bond we share."

Orion and Livia looked at him and Livia's denial started to crack away.

It all made so much sense.


"What about the kids?" Livia asked. "Raf, Miko, Jack?"

Megatron glared, looking away from them. "They did what their guardians told them to. They trusted them more than Orion. They stood aside indifferently as the Autobots hurt him."

Orion looked away. "I cannot fathom having ever trusted someone who would be so cruel."

Megatron nodded. "We all changed after the war."

There was a moment of silence and Livia looked down.

It did make sense. But it didn't make any sense at all.

"I will leave you two to get reacquainted. Tell me if you are able to decode any of the relics, Orion." Megatron told them before leaving the room.

Livia and Orion looked at each other and sighed.


Livia watched quietly as Orion decoded the Iacon database.

She was still trying to wrap her head around this whole pile of scrap. When Megatron came back, she had a whole buttload of new questions to demand.

Livia attempted to talk to Orion about it, but he became sad everytime she questioned what he considered reality. Orion was, of course, open-minded to her questions, but it seemed that he was upset by her implications that his friend Megatron was evil and his real daughter was dead.

Of course, Olivebranch had explained that Orion and Megatronus were in a relationship before the war, but Livia found the whole idea of that absurd.

Orion was horrified by the fact that he had been leading half of the warforce that destroyed Cybertron and that he had tried to kill Megatron on multiple occasions.

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