Chapter 16: Mistake

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Livia gritted her teeth, attempting to back her car out of the bushes.

"Uh, you're moving forward, Livia." Raf pointed out, before pressing the reverse button on her controller.

"I knew that." Livia lied, pushing the joystick left.

The car turned right.

"Why is it moving right!?" Livia exclaimed. "I'm pushing it left!"

Raf smiled. "Well, when you're going backwards, left makes the wheels go right and right makes the wheels go left."

"Why? How does that make any sense?" Livia demanded.

"Physics." Bumblebee answered. "It's the same way outside of video games."

"Well, I hate physics." Livia decided, driving the car back onto the road.

And then off the other side.

Raf resisted the urge to facepalmed. "When you're driving forward, you can go left with left and right with right."

Livia huffed.

"Think of it like... backwards driving is opposite and forward driving is right." Raf told her.

Livia got back on the road and Raf's car drove up to her slowly.

"Are you ready?" He asked.

Livia nodded, her face set in grim determination. "I will stay on the road this time."

Raf smiled before counting down from three and then then two of them took off. Miko's eyes widened in surprise.

"Oh my gosh, she's doing it!"

Jack looked over. "She's losing."

"Shut up, Jack!" Miko and Livia yelled.

Livia bit her tongue, trying to get around Raf, who was undoubtedly going easy on her. Livia scooted forward until she was at the edge of her seat--

And then she accidentally turned the wrong direction.

"UGH!" Livia collapsed to the floor, not even bothering to get her car out of the bushes again.

Raf, Miko, Jack, and Bumblebee looked down at her.

"You really suck at video games." Miko stated. "This is probably the most simple one ever."

Livia scowled.

"PRIME!" Agent Fowler's voice came over the monitor right before his face appeared. "What in blazes are your people doing out here!? We had an agreement! No collateral damage!"

"I'm sorry, Agent Fowler, but all Autobots are present and accounted for." Optimus told him.

"Then explain why I'm receiving reports of two jumbo-sized bots mixing it up twenty miles outside Omaha." Fowler demanded.

"Decepticons?" Ratchet suggested.

"There has been plenty of in-fighting lately. Megatron can't seem to keep his ranks in line." Arcee added.

"Well, I'm just arriving on the scene. Have a look." Fowler told them.

His face was replaced with a footage of a crashed spaceship with a blue bot holding a giant cannon next to it.

"It's not Skyquake, he's dead, but sure looks like him." Bulkhead said.

"Well, the question still stands. Who is the dance partner?" Arcee questioned.

Fowler's camera moved to focus on the other ship, which was considerably less crashed. Next to it was a white bot.

"Haha! Jackie's back!" Bulkhead grinned, smacking the backs of Bumblebee and Arcee excitedly. The two other Autobots stumbled forward slightly and Arcee rolled her eyes.

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