Chapter 3: Uncooperative

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Livia watched curiously as the elevator lowered, but her curiosity quickly short-circuited when she spotted Agent Fowler.

She was expecting some super muscular guy in sunglasses. Not this... grandpa.

"Livia. Nice to meet you." Agent Fowler greeted, sticking out his hand.

Livia looked at it for a moment before returning her gaze back to the agent. "I'm not impressed."

Fowler dropped his hand and frowned. "You're name is Livia right? What's your last name?"


Fowler put his hands on his hips. "I'm trying to help you."

"Well, you're doing a terrific job." Livia deadpanned.

Ratchet glared. "Would you just answer his questions?"

"I'll answer the questions that are his business!" Livia glared before looking at Fowler. "Unless you have a problem with that?"

Fowler looked at Optimus. "You didn't tell me she was a brat."

"Brat?" Livia demanded, stepping closer. "Say that to my face."

"Enough." Optimus let out a frustrated breath. "All he wants to know is your name."

"Livia." She responded. "Pay attention."

Fowler's hands went up in exasperation. "What's your problem!?"

"What's your problem?" Livia asked.

There was a moment of silence as Fowler stared at the girl angrily. Then he sighed, closed his eyes, and then looked at her calmly.

"Livia, would you please tell me your full name?" He asked politely.

"Livia Dee Sixteen."

"Ugh!" Fowler and Ratchet complained.

On the other hand, Optimus's eyes widened. It was a coincidence, no doubt. There was no way she knew about that.

Megatron hadn't told many people that he was designated D-16 before he named himself Megatronus.

Livia grinned at the two irritated people. "For real. That's actually my name."

Fowler frowned. "You're messing with me?"

"Nope. That got boring, so I decided to tell the truth. My full name is Livia Dee Sixteen." She told him proudly.

"Okay then." He nodded. "I'll see what I can find."



wo hours later and the others had returned. Livia was sitting on the couch with Miko, learning how to play video games. She was incomprehensibly annoyed with it, especially since Miko found her incompetence so hilarious.

Jack's feeble attempts to help her didn't do much, although Livia did listen to him intently so she could finally beat the other female.

Miko could have drove circles around Livia's constantly crashing car and still win by a landslide.

Agent Fowler continued to have absolutely no luck finding anything on who Livia was. He did face recognition, name searches, records from all the towns near the place where she and Olivebranch were found, and still, he found nothing.

Fowler felt that he would have had more luck looking for the world's most evasive terrorist.

He'd asked Livia for her name dozens of times, but unless she was saying something sarcastic or yelling at Miko, Livia would tell him she wasn't lying about the name.

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