Chapter 14: The Bush

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Livia's eyes widened.

"W- what?"

"Before the Nemesis... What is the last thing you remember?" Optimus questioned.

"Y- you guys traveling to Unicron's spark. But- but that was what Megatron said! How could you think that, I thought you forgot!?" Livia questioned.

Optimus frowned. She did know? From Megatron?

"Olivebranch took you before the groundbridge closed. You were being affected by the dark energon around us and rendered partially unconscious. She revealed to us that you were created from Lifestar's remains. Her soul was merged with a human body after Olivebranch killed the original host. You are Lifestar. My daughter." He explained.

Livia blinked.

It was happening all over again, but this time Optimus was the one trying to make her think she was some dead cybertronian. She'd already rejected the fact that that was real so many times.

But now? Coming from Optimus?

"Megatron knew this. He was there with us. I have no doubt he took advantage of my amnesia to gain the three Iacon coordinates and to plague the minds of the Autobots. But his interest in you concerns me." Optimus said. "What did he tell you after your arrival there?"

Livia's heart beat rapidly for a moment but she shook the panic away. "That we were a family." She whispered.

Optimus paused. What kind of advantage did Megatron get from-

Absolutely not. Anger started to leak into Optimus's spark and his eye twitched slightly. Optimus would not allow Megatron to take Livia on as his progeny. To pollute her with his madness.

Livia felt his anger bleed through their connection and she clenched her fists.

Optimus regained his composure quickly.

"Are you going after her?" Ratchet questioned.

Optimus turned and looked at him in confusion.

"The others told me what Olivebranch said and the old woman confirmed it when Arcee dragged her through the groundbridge. If Livia is... Lifestar... You should be there for her." Ratchet said.

Optimus nodded and stepped forward, but Ratchet put his hand on the Prime's shoulder.

"Take your time. It's not everyday your daughter comes back from the dead."

Optimus agreed. Livia was with him now and he knew the truth. Finally.

He would not let her slip away from hin again. He would protect her. As a father should.

"Livia?" Optimus asked, looking down at the small human in his servo.

She stared back.

"I am sorry that I missed so much of your life. That I wasn't able to protect you from the tragedies on Cybertron or anything else that has befallen you on this planet." He apologized.

"It's not your fault." Livia smiled sadly. "And I'm sorry too."

Optimus's gaze softened. "I will be the father you deserve now. Nobody will hurt you again."

Livia smiled humorously. "I don't think you understand how difficult a task that is. I kind of run at danger."

He raised an eyebrow. "You assume Optimus Prime cannot keep his own sparkling out of trouble?"

Livia laughed. "Are you referring to yourself in the third person?"

"There is a time for everything."

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