Chapter 4: A Warrior

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Flames. Energon blasts. Screams. Battle cries.

A glaring black mask and two pained blue eyes.

The ground shook violently again and she screamed, her little fingers reaching up toward the two mechs above her. There was a moment of hesitation before they moved away.

Something long and strong suddenly struck the wall above her and then retreated. Metal chunks began to fall and her screams grew louder, more desperate.

They were quickly muffled by the debris and her screams stopped. Now she focused on breathing, her lungs shaking with effort as the meavy objects above her threatened to crush her.

Everything was dark and stared at her coldly. She couldn't help but cry, her weak attempts at pushing away the metal were in vain.

Explosions and blasts were heard all around, angry shouts and pained screams among the chaos.

She was not safe. She would never be safe.

Time moved by agonizingly slow and her pain grew as her awareness dimmed and the crushing weight above her became even more unbearable.

Eventually, her breaths slowed and everything went out of focus.

A small shout ripped through the air above her in a familiar baritone voice, laced with fear. She felt like the word he shouted was meant for her.

But his words were lost to the darkness that suddenly consumed her mind.

Livia jerked awake, sitting up suddenly. For a moment, she panicked, her unfamiliar surroundings alien and threatening. The events of the past two days then came to mind and Livia released a sigh of relief.

Ratchet looked over worriedly, examining the girl who had been sleeping silently just moments ago.

Livia patted herself down, groaning when she felt that her clothes were wet with sweat. She would smell terrible later. She wiped her forehead and stood up, stretching and letting out a small yawn.

Ratchet looked away and returned to his work.

"You're awake early." He stated.

Livia looked over in surprise. "Seems I'm not the only one."

"Ratchet tends to ignore the fact that he requires recharge." Optimus stated dully, his eyes not moving away from the wall he was intently staring at.

"And I'm not the only one." Ratchet added.

Livia let out a small breath of amusement and then sank back down into the couch, laying her hands on her stomach. She looked up at the roof and frowned.

She had the dream again. It was always the same dream.

Livia wasn't quite sure what was going on in it and the longer she was awake, the more the events of the dream faded from view.

But she was dying. That much Livia knew. She was suffocating and there was an unbearable weight over her. And in the end, there was that shout.

The man was yelling something. Or to someone. Livia felt like the man's words were the most important thing in the world, so she was vexed that she could never recall what he said.

Livia sat up and rested her head on the top of couch, looking at Optimus Prime, who's distant gaze still hadn't left the wall. She tilted her head curiously, her eyes searching over his frame.

There was something familiar about him, but Livia just couldn't put her finger on it. Maybe she had seen him in some book at Olivebranch's library. He was the leader of the Autobots after all.

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