Chapter 13: Fantasy

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Orion stepped through the groundbridge, his eyes immediately spotting Megatron, standing in front of an open spacebridge, his sword unsheathed.

"-so that I may end the lineage of the Primes for all time." Megatron spoke to himself.

"I cannot allow that to happen Megatron." Orion told him, shifting me to his shoulder.

Megatron turned around. "Orion. This has nothing to do with you."

"That may be true, or yet another deception, but this much I do know: My sympathies are with the Autobots and you are not one of us." Orion equipped his swords, one of which was broken.

Megatron looked to Livia and snarled. "We are a family, Orion. Do not betray your fam-"

"Oh, shut up with the family, scrap, Megatron! Families don't lie to each other!" Livia sneered.

"And what would you know about family?" Megatron demanded.

Livia shut her mouth abruptly and Orion leveled his gaze.

"She knows more than you do, Megatron." Orion said before charging the warlord.

Megatron easily caught Orion's sword blade and then sent a punch to Orion's abdomen. Orion cried out, curling inward over Megatron's fist before the Decepticon dropped him to the ground.

Livia clutched Orion's neckcables as he landed on his hands and knees weakly. Megatron slammed the back of his forearm into Orion's head, making him fall down completely. Livia yelped and fell off.

"Your spark may be in the right place Orion, but you have much to learn before you hope to ever again stand your ground against me." Megatron told him, pointing his sword at the fallen bot.

Livia's eyes widened in horror and she sent her horror through the bond to Megatron. He glared at her before turning back to Orion.

"A moment, sadly, which shall never come." Megatron drove the sword down.

"NOO!" Livia screamed.

Megatron suddenly flew forward, Arcee shoving him away. Livia's head snapped around as the two bots began to battle, although Megatron clearly had the upper hand.

Orion began to stand and his gaze fell upon another human in a strange suit. He held up the key to vector sigma, which was glowing with the knowledge of the Primes.

"Are you... certain I am worthy?" He asked.

Livia turned around, eyes wide.

"More than you know." Jack replied before shooting the glowing blue energy into Orion's spark.

Megatron began to run at them and Livia turned, before repeatedly smacking Orion's leg.

"He's coming!"

The matrix finished reloaded and Optimus grabbed it just before Megatron tried to stab him. Optimus turned swiftly and caught the blade.

Megatron's eyes widened in horror.

"Megatron, be gone!" Optimus ordered, his battle mask sliding into place before he punched Megatron back and began to attack the warlord.

"Livia, what happened?" Jack asked.

Livia didn't look away from the two battling bots as she answered him. "That... is a very long story."

Everyone began to gather around them and Optimus sent Megatron into a wall before he regrouped with the others.

"Ratchet, how did we arrive here?" Optimus questioned.

Livia's eyes widened. He didn't remember.

"Long story, old friend." Ratchet replied.

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