Twenty Nine

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"You want me to what?" I stand, rolling my hands into fists.

"Get tortured with them to show your allegiance to their cause." Massif's arms are crossed as she looks down at me, leaning against the wall. My heart pounds, and I turn away.

"They think I'm dead."

"Then we'll surprise them." She steps forward, lifting my chin with a long, scarred finger.

"Massif, I can't go through that again." I try, face heating. I don't want her to think I'm weak.

A small part of me knows that there's no changing her mind from that opinion.

"It will make Ren proud." She leans down, meeting my gaze. She's a head taller than me, adding to the intimidation. "It will make you one of us." Her voice is sweet, and I find myself nodding.

"Yeah, it will make Ren proud." I wring my hands.

I want to make him proud.

I want him to know that he can trust me.

"Come then," She gestures for me to follow her out the door. I do, but before I can step into the hall, she pushes her knee up into my stomach. I stumble back, sucking in a sharp breath that leaves me coughing violently.


"Stand still." She snaps. "They'll know it's fake if you're spotless." I do as she says, trying not to flinch as she knocks me to the ground with a punch, slamming her heel into my side. The small smile pulling at her face gives away her pleasure in doing this to me.

It seems like she beats me forever.

Longer than that, even.

Then she pulls me to my feet, gripping my shirt collar.

"Is that it?" I whisper. She watches me for a moment, tilting her head.

"You didn't let out a single cry." She observes. "Or shed a single tear."

"I've been beaten before." I stumble over my words as she lets go of me, brushing off her hands as if just touching me disgusts her.

"You need to act like someone who's being tortured when we're in there." She snaps, grabbing my arm and fastening a tight pair of binders around my wrists. I don't wince, even as the metal bites into my skin.

Even as she pulls me from the room down the hall.

Even as we stand in front of a door.

Even as she pushes me roughly inside, throwing me to the ground.

In front to Poe Dameron.

I gasp, aching to activate my mask and hide. To call for Kylo Ren and have him save me.

"Hunter?" His eyes are wide as I struggle to sit up. "You're supposed to be dead." I force my face to contort into the fear I'm feeling, yet not used to showing.

"You want to talk now, Captain?" She asks.

"Commander." Poe corrects, angling his head. He ignores me, over the initial shock of seeing a ghost.

This was a bad idea.

Massif kicks me back to the ground and I cry out as she then grabs my hair, pulling me to my feet.

"I heard you Resistance folk care about each other more than yourselves."

"That's a strange rumour to be going around." He says.

"Should I test it?" She asks, holding a knife under my chin.

I didn't even see her take it out.

To my surprise, Poe shifts in his restraints, eyes betraying his unease. His hesitation earns a sharp, slicing pain accompanied by the slow growl of my tearing skin. The knife cuts from my cheek to my jaw, and her hand it steady and brutal as she pauses, not removing the blade from the wound. I feel a tear fall, and my chin wavers. He says nothing, and warmth leaks from where the knife ripped through me. Then the door slides open, and the knife is ripped from my skin as Massif is thrown against the wall. Kylo stands in the doorway, face twisted in a way I've never seen before.

"Ben." Poe's voice is hard. "This is enough. Let us go." I turn, seeing Kylo Ren watching me with his jaw clenched.

"What is the meaning of this, Massif?" He asks carefully, ignoring the pilot as the knight picks herself off the ground.

"You know exactly what this is, Ren." She snaps. "If she hasn't broken yet, then he won't for a long time."

Kylo's hands roll into fists.

He can't reveal anything, he knows that.

"She's coming with me." He orders, grabbing my wrist. I exaggerate a flinch, and something sparks in his gaze. "Prisoners are to be kept separate, you know that." He snaps, playing along. I know he doesn't like this. Why did I think he would?

It will make Ren proud. Massif had said.

I shut my eyes as he pulls me roughly into the hallway, grip tight on my wrist as he all but throws me into an empty room.

He shoves me against the wall, and I don't bother to hide the sob that bubbles from between my lips.

Everything hurts.


"Why would you do that?" He's almost shouting, and I try and press myself into the wall to hide. "Hunter, she would have killed you!"

"No, it was a plan-" I try to explain, but he interrupts me.

"That was stupid, Hunter." He hisses. "Massif acts out of jealousy and hatred." His face is close to mine. Too close.

"She said you'd be proud." I tell him quietly. "I just-"

"-Thought I'd be proud of you for allowing yourself to be tortured again?" Our noses are almost touching. "Why would you ever think that was a good idea?"

"I-" Confusion hits me as I try to recall why I thought it was a good idea. "I don't know." He pauses, drawing back slightly.

"She used the force on you." He tenses, as if realizing. Then he curses, running a hand through his hair. "She's getting bold." He says, almost as if to himself. Then, he reaches forward, touching my face, where the slice in my skin still burns. I flinch at the pain. "She hurt you." He mutters.

    "Are you proud of me?" I whisper. His eyes soften.

    "Sweetheart," He shakes his head. "I'm furious." After a moment, he bites his lower lip. "At Massif. Not you." I look down, and blood drips on the floor. I can't help but think he's lying.

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