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"Hunter, come on." Imrie protests as I push him into an interrogation chair, strapping his arms and legs against the cold, unforgiving metal. 

"Yeah Hunter, come on!" Bazzra is perched on a table heaped with Ushar's tools and toys, swinging her feet. 

"Shut up, tail-head." Imrie hisses. I grit my teeth, placing my hand on his face and slamming the back of his head into the metal behind him. I use my other hand to fasten another strap across his throat, preventing him from moving much. Bazzra laughs, throwing her head back as he wheezes slightly.

"Can't breathe?" 

"Oh he can, just not well." I cross my arms, stepping back. "Ren would kill me if I got rid of our informant before Ushar could have his fun."

"Oh we both know that he'd do no such thing." She jumps off the table, sticking her hands in her pocket. "But I hear the Resistance, so we best get moving." She offers Imrie another fanged smile. "Sorry, I have to steal your friend so she can kill your other friends." She grabs my arm, pulling me from the room. I place a hand on my chest, leaning against the wall. 

"Thanks." I whisper. The Resistance isn't here yet. We have a few more minutes of silence. When Kylo pretended to be surrounded, and they called the General to take him in, they must have left as soon as they could gather everyone and put them on ships. 

"You're welcome." She sits on the ground next to me as I slide down the wall, stretching my legs out in front of me. "Are you going to be okay?" The humour fades from her gaze, and she puts a hand on my arm. "You know that Ren and Ushar are going to-"

"I'm aware." I interrupt, voice thick as I stand. She does the same, following me as I stride down the short hall to Kylo's room, where I know a change of clothes waits for me. 

"You don't have to be on the ship when that happens, Hunter." She whispers. "I'll take you back to the Finalizer if you want." 

"I'll be okay." I promise, punching in the code to Kylo's room. She hangs back, shifting on her feet. "Really, Bazzra." I force a smile. "How bad can a little torture be?" I step into the room, and I'm about to close the door when she looks up at the ceiling, swallowing hard. 

"Ren doesn't do the slow torture thing that you were put through, Hunter." She looks away. "It'll be fast and brutal."

"I know." I nod, pressing the switch to the door. It closes in her face and I run a hand through my tangled hair. I reach for the brush on the small dresser, ripping it through my locks quickly. When I look in the mirror, I see that I've only made it frizzy. Blowing a piece away from my eyes, I tie it up in a low bun before activating my mask and pulling my bulletproof shirt on. Then I tug my pants over my hips and drape my cloak across my shoulders. 

The whole process takes maybe a minute, but when the door slides back open, I see Bazzra's tear filled eyes as she stares at her commlink. She turns to look at me, and I freeze. 

"Marinda-" Her voice catches. "They- they came out of nowhere. The Jedi girl is out there and-" I nod, stepping closer to wrap my arms around her. 

I was never close to the woman, but Ren seems to tolerate her, Bazzra talks about her all the time, and Vicrul loves her violently.

"Let's avenge her." I grit my teeth, throat thick as I feel my friend's grief tremble through her body. "She won't get away with this." 

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