Thirty One

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    "The comm line is open, sir. You only have to activate it, and you will be patched through to General Organa." One of the officers says, bowing his head to Kylo, who dismisses him with a nod. Everyone is silent for a moment. Then Kylo lifts his hand.

    "Everyone out." He orders. Surprise ripples through the room, and while everyone hurriedly obliges, Hux steps up to us.

    "Supreme Leader, I hardly think I should leave you here alone to speak with her." He says stiffly. Ren angles his head.

    "I won't be alone." He gestures to me. "Now leave, before I make you." The General grits his teeth, but exits the room anyway.

    "Kylo-" I hesitate. "Are you okay?"

    "I'll be fine." He smooths his hair, brushing off his shoulders as if he's dirty. He seems to do this out of habit, and I step closer to him.

    Part of me wonders if I should ask about his history with the General.

    The other part of me knows that I'll find out soon.

    "Well," I knock my shoulder into his. "Go on then." He waits a moment longer, almost as if he's afraid.


    What could this woman have possibly done to make him so hesitant to even speak to her?

    After a moment longer, he waves his hand. The blue light of a holo-projector lights up the room, and he grabs my hand tightly. I blink under my mask in surprise, but squeeze back.

    He lets go, folding his hands behind his back as the line fizzes to life. I move to stand slightly behind him.

    Here if he needs me, but nearly absent if he doesn't.

    A woman I've only ever seen in photographs and from afar forms in the blue light.

    General Organa.

    Her gaze moves from him to me, then back to him.

    "It's really you." She says, voice smooth with age.

    "Why have you called this meeting?" He demands, stepping closer to the hologram. "What do you have to offer me that could possibly be more valuable than the two Resistance members I have on board my ship?"

    "Ben," She pauses. I stiffen. The same name that both Poe and the Jedi girl called him. "Come home."

    Kylo grits his teeth, rolling his hands into fists.

    "Don't make me repeat myself."

    "Ben, this isn't who I raised you to be." She shakes her head. "Please." Her voice breaks on the single syllable, and my jaw drops behind my mask.

    You're General Organa's son? He flinches, as if I've struck him with my thoughts.

    "Offer me something greater than what I already have, General." He snaps.

    You're her son? My heart pounds, and I struggle to keep my composure.

    "Calm yourself."

    "Meet me on the planet Pantora in the Outer Rim." She bows her head. "Rey has volunteered to return to the First Order with you in exchange for Finn and Poe."

    "And she thinks herself worth more than the both of them?" He bites out.

    "You seem to think so." She chews on her bottom lip. "Ben-"

    "Enough!" Kylo shouts, ripping his lightsaber free from his belt and igniting it. Without meaning to, I flinch. Hard. He turns, dragging the blade through a console with a roar, leaving a glowing gash in its wake. The General watches, as if she's seen this all before and isn't surprised in the least.

    He's always been angry, then, I assume.

    "Kylo," I say quietly, quieter than the communication device can pick up. He turns, face twisted angrily as he looks at me. I lift my chin. I'm not afraid of you. "That's enough." I tell him, just as quiet as before. Immediately, the red blade retracts, and he snaps his head back towards the hologram of his mother.

    "I will meet you on Pantora in two days at noon, mother." He points a promising, threatening finger towards her. "Rey will come back to the First Order with me." He lifts his chin. "No matter what."

    The old woman nods, brushing the back of her hand underneath her eye.

    "I will see you soon then, my son."

    The hologram shuts off, and Kylo immediately falls to his knees with a heavy, heart-wrenching sob. He covers his face with his hands, and his hair hangs like a curtain around his head, which is dipped towards the floor he kneels on.

    "Kylo?" I lower myself next to him tentatively, almost afraid to place a hand on his shoulder. "You can't do this here. They'll come in at any moment." He nods, saying nothing as he wipes his face. He doesn't look like he's been crying much, save for the tears pooling in his red-rimmed eyes and spilling down his cheeks. "Hey," I open my mask and pull off my glove, using my thumb to wipe under his eye. "Hey, It's okay. We can get you to your room." He nods, and I pull him to his feet as he steadies himself on me. "You need to stand, okay Kylo?" He dips his chin wordlessly again, following my orders. "You need to go out first. Take a deep breath. I'll be right behind you." I promise, pulling my glove back on and activating my mask.

    "Okay." His voice wavers, and he straightens. "Okay." He repeats, stronger now.

    He lifts his chin, clearing his throat as his hand hovers over the switch to open the door. When he activates it, he charges through the door, coating himself in fury as he storms past the men and women waiting patiently in the hall. Hux attempts to follow, but I put my hand out, pushing him against the wall as a warning, before chasing after Kylo.

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