Thirty Seven

276 6 4

    I hurry to my room, head bowed towards the floor. My mask is open, and the harsh lights burn my eyes.

    Were they always this bright?

    This is it.

    He's going to kill me.

    "Hunter!" I turn, seeing Kylo Ren at the end of the other hall. His eyes are wild, and I flinch, closing my eyes as he sprints towards me.

    "Kylo, I'm so-"

    Then his arms are around me, nearly pushing me to the floor. My breath catches in my throat, and I freeze.

    "You're okay." He says into my hair. "You're okay."

    "Yeah, I'm fine." I whisper. "You- you're not mad at me?" My heart thunders and he cups my cheek, turning my face upward.

    "Hunter-" He shakes his head. "No. I understand why you did it."

    "I'm sorry." I hold a hand against my mouth to stifle a sob that escapes my lips. "I-" His hand wraps around my wrist, and he pulls me into a room next to us. He lets go of me, stepping back as the lights flicker on.

    "Did Hux hurt you?" His voice turns hard, reverting back to the usual Kylo Ren. I shake my head. "He's the spy?"

    "Yes." My words are weak. Seeing Kylo awake again has ignited a burn against my lips. I find my fingers drifting towards my mouth, and I notice his gaze as I make an effort to hold my hands behind my back. "H- How are you awake and so healthy already?" I ask, attempting to distract myself.

    "Bazzra." He says simply. I nod, remembering how she was able to heal me as well.

    "Kylo-" I start, but he holds up a hand.

    "No, I should go first." He shifts on his feet, and I nod, closing my mouth. "I'm-" He looks away, swallowing hard. "I'm sorry." I blink.

    He's only apologized to me a few times, and none of them have been light pleas for forgiveness.

    "For what?" My mouth is dry, and my heart pounds.

    Please don't apoligize for the kiss.

    Not the kiss.

    "Everything." His hazel eyes turn back to me, and I freeze. "I didn't treat you well, Hunter. Not how I want others to treat you."

    "Kylo, it's fine-"

    "I treated you like a soldier."

    "I am-"

    "No. You're not just a soldier. I treated you like you were disposable, and I'm sorry." He steps closer, and I find myself backing up until the wall presses against my back. "I was anxious about- about my mother," He stops, hand pressed onto the wall next to me, head tilted down and angled so his eyes are in line with mine. "But that's no excuse. I didn't trust you." I bite my cheek, wanting to say something, but he's too close. "And then with Imrie," He closes his eyes, taking in a breath. "I was jealous of him. I have been for a long time, but that was no excuse for me to seek him out and hunt him." He pulls back slightly, and I let myself breathe, though I wish he were close again. "I was afraid that you were going to leave, and a fool to believe that you'd choose me over him." He bows his head, hair falling over his face. "And for- for not asking before I-" He says nothing for a long moment before looking back up. "Forgive me, Hunter." He voice wavers. "Please."

    "Kylo," I reach my fingers out until I touch his cheek, ignoring the pounding of my heart and the slow burn of my shoulder as the undressed wound aches. "Kylo, I did choose you." He looks up, eyes wide and searching. "I was chasing him to get your datapad back." I lift my chin. "Give me a cause, and I'll die for it, right?"


    "Kylo Ren," I cup his face, forcing him to look me in the eyes. "You are my cause now." I force surety into my words. "Not the Resistance, not Imrie." I wince, struggling to keep my arm aloft against the diminishing adrenaline. "You, Kylo." He hesitates, and I pull his face down to mine, kissing him hard.

    His arm snakes underneath my back, supporting my wavering balance as he deepens the kiss.

    "Hunter-" He whispers when we pull apart, breathing heavily.

    "Shut up, Ren." I exhale, studying his face. The spots littered against his once impossibly pale skin, now tainted by exposure to the sun, seem to form patterns of stars, like the ones glinting in his dark eyes. "Just let me have this moment."


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