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It was everywhere.

The rain did nothing to help the situation as it stained the ground red. The fallen water creating a red river that would have never happened of I hadn't gotten that call.

A call that my brain had told me to ignore, to let the call pass. Once again though, Daniella Martinez had a way off getting under my skin that could never be explained.

Two words that had me dropping everything. There was no explanation to anyone as I stormed out of Anarchy without a word.

'Help me.'

That's all she had to say to make me drop everything I stood for. If anyone knew about such a weakness I know I would never hear the end of it.

Mom knew all about it, she had even scolded me for trying to keep Daniella at a distance. Most parents in a family like ours would be threatening me to stay away but no my mom was telling me we could work something out but it wasn't a risk I wanted to take.

Yet here I was, running to the very thing I've spent the last five years trying to avoid.

The rain had soaked right through my clothes and I could feel it in my bones but it did nothing to sooth my temper.

A temper I had inherited from my dad. I might have been blessed without my moms calmness but that didn't mean I didn't have that temper that ran so strong through my dads veins.

Having both these traits was born a blessing and a curse.

There was something even more piercing than the rain. I could feel every movement of her eyes on me, with every movement I made I could feel her relax slightly more.

She knew she was safe around me and that was the very opposite of what I wanted. I needed her to fear me, to never rely on me. Yet, here I was proving the very opposite of that over and over again.

Clicking the safety back on my gun I walked away from the three bodies left lying in the alleyway. All three of them had been breathing just moments ago, but I was quick to take that privilege away from them when I seen the situation.

No one laid a hand on her and breathed there next breath. Not so long as I knew about it.

Opening my car door I shrugged off my suit jacket before getting in, throwing it in behind me. Silence engulfed the car between me and Daniella as the rain hammered down on my car.

It took everything in me not to look at her, for fear that I would see the damage done to her. For the fear of what I would do next if I seen that damage.

Instead my eyes focused on that alleyway where I had left those bodies. Bodies that were going to raise questions unless I got my men out to sort it out now.

With that thought I sent a quick message to River to let him that there was a mess that needed cleaned up and where.

Just as I sent the message Daniella had broken the silence.

"Thank you." The tone of the voice didn't sound like her but there was no one else it could be. She sounded tired, defeated and it took everything in my not to throw my fist into the window beside me. All I could do to hold back that feeling was roll up the sleeves on my shirt.

Being ruled by a temper was my sister Layla's thing, not mine.

The only thing that kept running through my mind though, was that those men had made her feel like this.

"Was it just the three of them?" I still didn't look at her as I started up the car. I needed to know if there was more of them before I tore this City apart looking for answers.

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