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"Who do you think tipped them off?" Asked Scarlett as we creeped closer to the hideout.

It was an old boat house that was past it's day on the outside but on the inside it was a different story. We had spent two weeks renovating it a few years ago only for it now to come crashing down around us.

"They didn't get everything out." Looking over the edge of one of the nearby buildings we could see the F.B.I clearly searching the area pulling out anything that had been left behind. What they got was nothing important but it could still be enough for them to some how get something on us.

"No, but I cleared everything in there on the systems."

"It's not enough." I commented looking around the situation down below. "If they get our fingerprints or anything on what's left down there, they will come hunting. All it will take is for them to find one stray bullet."

River reached behind us at the two bags that we had carried up here. River opened the biggest one and started to put together the snipper riffle, one eye on the gun and the other on the people below.

"What are you doing?" Asked Scarlett as River finished with the gun and threw it her way.

No one had a better shot through a riffle than Scarlett.

"We're not going to get the rest of that shit from them, so we're going to destroy it all." River threw two of the handguns my way as he spoke clearly getting ready for what ever was about to go down.

"Are you crazy?" Scarlett all but screamed under her breath, even I had to admit this wasn't one of River's better ideas. "There's about twenty special force agents down there, each with there own skills. Do you really think you can just take that shit from them?"

"As I said we aren't taking it, we're destroying it." River pointed down at the building. "Below that building are gas canisters, I had them put in there when we renovated the inside of the building for a situation like this."

Scarlett went to stand up but I grabbed her arm making sure she didn't cause a scene. "Your looking to blow the place up? It will be seen from the whole City."

River let out a laugh as he lifted his own guns putting one on the waist of his jeans and the other held firmly in his hand. "And that's even fucking better. Let's watch as every law enforcement try and cover up what went down here. It will be a crime scene and it will attract the attention of not just the city but the whole country. After all they'll be wanting to know what the fuck happened."

"You've officially lost it."

"He's right." I agreed with River making Scarlett look at me like River wasn't the only one that had lost his mind. "The only way to draw their attention away from the place is by drawing everyone else's attention to it."

"See." Pointed River as he stood up from the rooftop. "The two of you just find away to drag their attention away from that building. There's about a thirty second window from when I activate those canisters to get as far away as possible. And as much as we all know I'm going to end up in prison some day, I'd rather not go there for killing twenty of their own men. That would just bring on a completely different heat on our asses."

Turning around River started to make his way down through the building and out on to the ground below. He didn't leave either me or Scarlett time to argue with him.

Scarlett turned to look through the lens of the riffle. Her eyebrows frowning in confusion as she took in everything that was going on down there.

"These aren't the normal ones we deal with." Her voice was low as she spoke, almost like she was in concentration and she didn't want to ruin it.

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