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Danny had told me that F.B.I were hunting down my sister because of the information that she had stolen was about two people.

Ajay Brooks.

Xavier Kennedy.

Our uncle from our moms biological side and our grandfather from our dads side.

Two people that weren't to be messed with.

I didn't need Danny to tell me that Ajay was locked up in one of the most well guarded security prisons in the world. Mom never really talks about him but she had mentioned that he wasn't someone you wanted to come across in a fight.

Ajay's twin sister Nisha was the brains while he was the brawn. He knew how to get shit done no matter what the situation called on.

Xavier Kennedy was another matter. Mom had mentioned him a few times and I knew Layla had a run in with him not long before she left. He was smart and cunning from what I knew and was only one of the few people that could rival mom when it came to mind games.

These weren't two men that someone would go hunting for. Never mind showing interest to the world by stealing information on them.

My little sister was in the middle of something big and everything came down to what side of this she was playing with.

The thing about Layla being gone for so long was that I wasn't quite sure how she thinks anymore. Ever since Layla left to prove herself it was like something in her clicked into place. Before she left she was always doubtful of her own abilities. Living behind mine and our parents shadow.

Ever since she left, that was no longer the case.

Not once has she called out for any sort of help or advise. Everything that she has done over in Europe she has done herself with the help of Elijah Knight.

Elijah was asked if he wanted to come home a year ago after it was pretty clear Layla had everything under control.

He had turned it down saying that it was far more interesting being by her side than being back in the City.

What ever that meant.

Layla was known to cause chaos and I was sure that's what she was causing over there.

Elijah was always so level headed but there must be something about the chaos that Layla brings that makes him enjoy it.

It was the same way River thrived on the chaos that always followed Layla.

It was something that I could never understand.

I liked to keep control of every situation, think and plan it through. I was lot more like our mom in that sense. I believed everything had an answer and that there was a way around everything and anything.

People said that I was the perfect combination of our parents. Able to think things through with every possibility but at the same time not afraid to get my hands dirty like our dad.

If you asked me though, I wasn't a perfect combination I just had my parents traits and knew how to use them to get what I wanted.

Layla on the other hand was the perfect combination. She had spent years putting herself down thinking that I was better when in reality she was the one that was the very thing she thought I was.

Her short temper for shit came from our dad but that mind of hers, that was something else.

From what I hear she's able to think on the spot in the heart of a situation and make a choice, no matter how wild that choice might be.

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