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Three days had passed and Ben's words were still ringing in my ears. In the moment I didn't think much about them but after the moment was done it as the only thing that my mind could think about.

"Do you know that your sister stole some very important information from our database? Information that has not just put her on the top of the wanted list in the UK, but in every neighbouring country as well."

What was it that Layla had stolen?

Layla was a wild child, she always has been and always will be but she wouldn't go stealing information from a database like that if there wasn't a reason.

The only conclusion I could come to was that she was looking for something.

Or someone.

"Do you think we should ask your mom?"

Looking up I seen Scar standing at my office door with a frown on her face. She took had been trying to work out what Layla had stolen but she was coming up blank. She had tried to hack into the database but after Layla stunt they had upped there protection and it could take days before she cracked it.

I didn't have time to wait days.

Layla was never one to wait around so what ever she was up too she was already knee deep in the middle of it.

"She's away to Australia with dad for a while for their anniversary." I spoke but my mind was fair away. "I'm not going to annoy them over this. Not when they haven't had a proper break from this shit for a while."

Between Layla taking over Europe and shit going down here mom and dad have been dealing with plenty of shit. Emilia was the one that suggest that they go away for a while when she noticed that they hadn't even spent time together for at least two weeks.

"So what do you want to do?"

Scar knew just as much as I did that we couldn't wait around for answers. If Ben was here sniffing around that meant that Layla had brought the attention she had gathered on our doorstep.

That was something I don't even think Layla had realised herself yet.

"I'll work something out, for now just keep an eye on the F.B.I and where they are sniffing around. While your at it try and track down my sister, I want to talk to her. In person."

"Shouldn't be to hard to find her. We already know she's in California."

"Kennedy's in California?"

Scar froze at the voice as she turned around and seen River come around the corner. After a second he came into my line of vision as he stood at the doorway beside Scar.

Me and Scar shared a knowing look with each other not sure how this would turn.

"What did the little shit do this time?" River didn't look one bit surprised at the mention of Layla's name. In fact he didn't look effected by it at all.

Scar looked at me for confirmation and I gave her a nod before she finally spoke.

"The whole reason that the F.B.I were sniffing around the boat house to begin with was because Layla stole something from them."

River rolled his eyes as he leaned against the door frame not looking one bit surprised.

"Is there something about that sentence that's meant to surprise me?"

"There was an MI6 agent with them." My voice was strong as I spoke watching River's every move. "What ever she had stolen is clearly important and they either don't want it to get out or Layla is about to something with it."

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