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"It's a shame your sister got away again."

Standing around the back of the club I turned my head slightly to see Danny standing at the end of the alleyway. I wouldn't have had to look to know it was her but her presence was always enough to make my attention snap her way.

"I know, I'm sure it's such a shame." I responded pocketing my phone that only mere seconds ago had my attention.

Danny's chocolate brown hair fell lose around her shoulders. It was the first indication that she was off the clock and she had came here of her own free will.

"You should warn her though that Ben knows that she's heading to London. He's planning on following her there."

It was dark but the streetlights were enough to show me that Danny's expression was genuine as she spoke. She was actually concerned that something would happen to Layla.

"What are you doing Danny?" My voice was low and soft as I spoke. Right here and right now it was just the two of us and I needed answers.

"What?" Danny looked surprised at my question but she was bound to know it was coming her way.

Pushing myself off the wall I took a step towards her. Even in the dim light I could see her breath catch but she didn't move away.

"What are you doing? Why are you telling me this? Or do I need to remind you which side of the law you're on."

She scowled at me making her narrow her eyes but instead of looking intimidating all it did was make me chuckle.

"I know perfectly well what side of the law I'm on."

Before she had realised it herself she was backed up against the wall. Her back hit it and a shocked expression crossed her face and she turned to look at the wall behind. It was like she didn't understand how it had gotten there.

There was a mere two feet between us before I came to a stand still in front of her. Leaning down to her height the distance closed even further and I could see every detail on her face.

"Do you?" There was a spark in her eyes that River had held when he seen my sister. I knew that spark better than anyone, it was the same one that me and Danny shared. "Because I think you dance on the line between the two sides. Not knowing what it is you really want."

Danny's broke eye contact at first telling me that I was right. Then she looked at me defiantly, with more fight on her than I had ever seen before.

"I know what side of the law I'm on and I know what I want."

"Yea, but you can't have both can you?" Sighing I stood up straight and fixed the buttons on my jacket like it was the most interesting thing in the world. "It was good seeing you Danny."

With that I turned around and started to make my way back towards the club. Before I had gotten even a few feet away Danny came in front of me once more making me stop and raise my eyebrow at her.

"And what is it that I want? What is it that I want that I can't both have the job I love and the thing I want most."

She was daring me, daring me to answer that unspoken question between us. She wanted to see if she could get a reaction from me.

Danny stood there with fire in her eyes, she was basically cursing me in her mind because she knew I was right. I called her out on her act and now she wanted to prove that she could get under my skin just as much.

And just like when we were kids, I humoured her.

When we were teenagers Danny used to go out of her way to get a rise out of me. She tried to push me to the edge. Apparently being as calm as I am in situations wasn't normal and she always tried to push me over the edge.

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