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River's POV

"And you think we're going to get information out of this girl how?"

London was a completely different scene from what I was used too but that didn't mean I was out of my element. The trick to life was to always act like you belonged and soon enough the people around you would believe that too.

Never once had I let somewhere or someone intimidate me, and walking right into the lions den did fuck all either.

In fact, I welcomed the threat.

"Easy." I remarked downing my third shot of the night as I waved down the bartender for another drink.

Her eyes quickly met mine and a wide smile crossed her lips as she gave me a thumbs up from the other side of the bar. She was watching me but not because she was a threat. No she was watching me for a completely different reason and I couldn't help but let a grin creep across my lips.

Antonio raised his eyebrow at me as he waited for me continue with my explanation. His eyes glanced between me and the bartender and it wasn't long before he was rolling his eyes. After a few moments of silence he finally spoke when he realised I wasn't going to say anything. "Are you going to tell me what this plan is?"

Antonio was the one that had met me when my plane landed. Apparently Layla held him in high regards and Elijah had told me as much when he had rang me as soon as my feet had hit the ground. He wasn't much older than me, around the same age as Reagan.

"Probably not." I said off handedly as I glanced over my shoulder at a woman around my age. She was dancing with her friends at the edge of the dance floor. It was clear that she had already had a few drinks but something about her told me that she was always careful to make sure she always had her senses on high alert.

It wasn't just her and her friends here either. I wasn't stupid someone like Eva Walker wouldn't be allowed out without some sort of bodyguard around.

So far I had counted four.

There was no chance that I was getting her alone, so there was only one other way I was going to be able to do this.

"What do you mean 'probably not' how the fuck am I meant to save your ass if something goes wrong, if I don't know what you're about to do." Came Antonio's response in that thick Italian accent of his. Between me and him we were gathering quite a few pair of eyes on us, which was actually going to work in my favour for once.

Scoffing at Antonio'a comment I looked away from Eva to make sure I didn't draw to much attention to myself. Her guards would be on the look out for anyone paying to much attention to her.

Don't get me wrong Eva was a pretty girl but I've already had the best and I intended to make her mine.

Finally Eva walked away from her friends towards the bar and that was the opening I needed.

Placing my hand on Antonio's shoulder I never took my eyes off Eva. "Watch and learn."

Antonio scoffed before he downed the rest of his drink. He leaned against the bar to keep an eye on me but also taking position to look out for the guards. He wasn't stupid I had noticed how his eyes had fallen on the same men that I spotted as well.

Kennedy was right to keep him close.

I walked to the other side of the bar where Eva stood and from behind I knocked my shoulder into hers as I leaned against the countertop. My eyes followed the bartender as she jumped from one order to the next. I could feel the eyes of Eva burning a hole into the side of my head and it took everything in me to not grin.

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