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(River's POV)

This felt right.

Three years have past and you would think everything would've changed between me and Layla and yet here we were back to right were we started.

Over the last three years I've seen and done things that people could only imagine. I've never been afraid to get my hands dirty and I'd do anything to protect my family and those I'm most loyal too.

Yet, for her I'd drop everything.

Her arms were wrapped around my waist with her chest pressed against my back. Her touch alone was enough to set my body alight and I knew it was dangerous for us to be this close after so long.

More so when we both had a job to do.

Layla tapped me on the shoulder to get my attention. She pointed in the direction of a plane at the far side of the airstrip. The sight of it made me frown her families personal planes were on the other side.

As I got closer I realised we weren't alone and everyone's attention turned to us, with the roar of my engine gathering their attention.

Stopping a few meters away I put my feet on the ground to steady the bike. There was a delayed reaction as Layla moved her arms away from my waist. Her fingers trailing alone my body as she did so. My hands reached behind and grabbed her thighs pulling her back against me. My grip on her legs was strong and I gave her a firm squeeze before releasing her.

I could see the others watching us from the plane and some of them didn't look to happy.

Looking over my shoulder I watched as she threw her leg over my bike and taking a step away. She took off the helmet and threw it at me with a grin on her face, easily I caught it with a playful roll of my eyes.

"Thanks Rivvy." She spoke as she tied up her long dark hair again. All eyes were on her as she did so but she paid no attention to it. It was clear she was used to the attention and I wasn't sure how I felt about that.

From the corner of my eye I seen movement and I turned my attention to the other people surrounding us. Taking off my helmet I made it clear who I was as I stared them down.

I looked at each one of them individually. I wasn't Scar so I didn't have the info to tell me who each of them are, but I did know one thing.

They knew who I was.

Some of them whispered amongst each other. Others looked unsure as they tried to make themselves look busy to not draw my attention. One of them didn't look particularly happy at all and went to take a step forward towards me but a hand flew out and stopped him.

It was my brother.

He whispered something to the guy before making his way over to us. The guy didn't look one bit happy but didn't say anything as he made his way over to the plane.

"It's good to see you River." My brothers voice was smooth like he hadn't just spent three years away from his family.

He was asked last year if he wanted to return home and he had turned it down. Dad wasn't surprised and neither was mom but I could tell mom was dying to see him again.

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