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(Lyra's POV- You're all welcome 😉)

"Jessica just phoned me."

Riker's voice sounded amused as he came back from the phone call that he had just stepped away to take. The woman's at the desk looked between me and my husband with nothing but awe in her big brown eyes.

It's not every day Lyra Anderson and Riker Kennedy walked through your store door in Milan.

Everyone thought we were in Australia but that couldn't be further from the truth.

People should expect more from me if they really thought the two of us would be really taking a break in Australia. People like us never rested, sitting back and relaxing on some beach wasn't our style. Never was and never will be but it was a good cover to get shit done and get eyes away from us.

Eyes that were too close for comfort.

Holding up an over price shirt, I held it against Riker as I sized him and it up. "What has Reagan done now?"

"How do you know it was Reagan?" Asked Riker taking the shirt from my hand and holding it out for the woman at the desk who ran over without a second thought to take it from him.

"Are you taking this sir?" She asked in a thick Italian accent.

"hai una taglia più grande? mio marito è ingrassato un po'." The young woman looked at me and seen the laugh gracing my lips. She gave me her own smile with a small laugh.

"Ora guardo, signora." She took the shirt with amusement as Riker looked down at me with a raised eyebrow.

"Did you just call me fat?"

Finally letting out that laugh I turned around and started to look at the clothes again. "I didn't know you could speak Italian all of a sudden."

"I don't, but I know when my wife is insulting me." Looking over my shoulder I gave Riker a grin as I smiled at him.

"I don't know what you're talking about." Turning back around I picked up the conversation that he had brought up before this. "So what has Reagan done now?"

"He was at the F.B.I headquarters. Apparently our son has made the top of the list of being some MI6 agents most hated person."

"Benjamin Lewis?"


Sighing this time I pick up a dress for myself and held it against Riker who looked down at the dress and gave me a pointed look.

"I'm flattered really, but I really don't think that suits me."

Shrugging my shoulders my mind was else were as I thought about what type of shoes I have to wear with it. "Have to make sure it looks good beside you too, not just on me."

Riker's eyes darkened with that dangerous look as he reached forward with a tattooed hand and placed it on the back of my neck in a tight hold. He pulled me towards him roughly so that our chests were pressed against each other. No matter how much time passes this man always knows how to get my heart rate going.

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