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Your pov

You had originally decided you were going to go to the party. You told the party and they seemed a little bummed out by it, so you told them you would go with them, BUT only for an hour. Hence the reason you were fixing the white-out contact in your left eye. You didn't have a costume so you grabbed some old jeans and ripped them up covering them in fake blood and dirt. Doing the same with an old grey t-shirt, you had done your makeup to look like a zombie. You threw on some black boots and you were good to go.

You were walking down the street, a good four or five feet behind the boys, when someone walked up beside you. They lifted the mask, and quietly asked "Are you with them?" it was a girl with red hair and pale blue eyes. You smiled "Depends on who wants to know?" she returned the sly grin. "I'm Max, and those two," she pointed to Lucas and your brother, "Invited me to trick or treat with them. So, you know them?" So this was Max? You could see what your brother was on about earlier yesterday, she had a skateboard tucked under her arm. "Ah, yea the curly headed one is my goofy brother, Dustin, and the rest are- well, honestly they're all like my little brothers." she nodded "Do you wanna help me scare them?!" she asked excitedly. You nodded "I'm about to leave anyways, so why not. "You snuck up behind the boys and screamed as loud as possible. They all screamed terrified as you both cackled. "Alrighty doofuses 1 through 4 I'm headed out, be careful" you waved at the group and they waved back.

You pulled up on your bike. Loud music and a bunch of drunk teenagers? Definitely sounds like a high school party. Some guy in a toga ran out an puked like 10 feet from you. Ew that's disgusting. You started waking up the sidewalk when Jonathan rushed out dragging Nancy with him. "What the hell? Jonathan, what's going on?" he looked over at you and continued putting Nancy in his car. "I don't know, she was laying in the bathroom floor sobbing and repeating 'bullshit' over and over again. So I was going to take her home." you looked around "Ok so where is Harrington then? Wasn't he here with her?" he shook his head "I don't know, I saw him rush down the stairs earlier and he looked, not great? Maybe they got into it?" you looked at the unconscious Nancy in the passenger side seat, and looked back to him "No I think I know what its about, just get her home ok?" He nodded and rushed off.

You stepped inside looking around the sea of drunk teens. Dancing and yelling, drinking what ever the hell was in the punch bowl. After walking around for a minute and not seeing him you made your way to the kitchen. You felt a tap on your shoulder and turned around. "Hey there pretty girl, what are you doing here alone?" you made eye contact with him he was kind of attractive? The only off thing about this guy was his tone and the fact that he looked greasy. Why the hell do men think looking like they just got sprayed with a water hose is attractive? "Oh I'm not here alone, I'm looking for a friend of mine." you told him "Ohhh, what's your name beautiful?" he held out his hand. You looked at him curiously and grabbed his hand, "Y/n Henderson" he nodded bringing your knuckles to his lips, "Billy Hargrove" he said as he put your hand down. "It was nice meeting you, but I really have to go find my friend now." he smirked "See you around Henderson." he waved walking off


Finally you found who you were looking for. Steve Harrington. He was sitting on the back porch, alone and crying sipping an almost empty bottle of beer, two other bottles empty by his feet. Nancy had recently talked a lot about her uncertainty with their relationship. Why she came to you with her relationship issues, you have no idea but she was a close friend so you always let her vent. Whenever shed ask what she should do, you'd always respond with the most cliché thing in the world, "Follow your heart." you told her time and time again. Well maybe the booze was the only way to honestly do that.

"Hey Harrington, you alright?" you sat next to him. He looked dazed, as if he was off in his own little world. He'd had enough, so you reached over and lightly tried to take the bottle away from him. He pulled it away and tried to take another sip, mumbling something under his breath. You grabbed it before it reached his lips though, he looked at you like you were crazy. "You can barely keep your eyes open Harrington, I think you're done for the night." you said softly, he sighed and looked down mumbling again "Huh? what did you say?" he raised his voice a little "It's bullshit. She said it's bullshit! Our relationship- Me! It's all bullshit!" So she was an honest drunk and he was an emotional drunk, good to know I guess. "She was drunk, she didn't mean it like that." he scoffed standing up wobbling, "She broke up with me!" you stood up quickly and grabbed his arm "Harrington, I'm taking you home." he shook his head no pulling out his keys. You immediately snatched them out of his hand, and put them in your pocket "Hey, what the hell?" he groaned "No I'm taking you home, Nancy is already gone and your going to get yourself or someone else killed." you told him calmly, grabbing his arm.

You pulled him over to your bike and gave him your helmet. "Do you think you can hold on to me, without falling?" he just waved you off putting the helmet on. You'd rather have him have it considering you were sober and he was struggling to stand. You didn't need to ask where he lived, you had been to the party last year, the last night anyone had seen Barb before that thing-

You had cut off your own thought, you didn't want to think about that anymore. You both got on your bike and he wrapped his arms around your waist. You hoped he didn't fall asleep, or ya know off the back of the bike. Once you got to hid house he stumbled off of the bike and handed the helmet to you. "You sure you're good?" he nodded and you threw him his keys, which he struggled to catch. "Thanks Henderson." he waved. You waited for him to get to the front door and get inside before getting home as fast as you could.

A little bit later Jonathan had called you, letting you know that he'd gotten Nance home safely, but then around 12:30 Mike had called you on his super com letting you know about Will's episode. It was safe to say you once again had barely any sleep that night.

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