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Im back bitchesssssss!!!! More updates and fun shit! I am so glad to be back!!!

"Oh shit!" You whispered as you jumped down the small hole in the roof. You still weren't feeling a hundred percent after that little anxiety spell from the night before. You stood, trying to regain your balance, and cringed at the feeling of pins in needles in the balls of your feet. "Careful Y/n." Steve called out as you shuffled behind some boxes. He hopped down and crouched down next to you.

Two men opened the doors, speaking to each other in Russian. They loaded a few boxes onto the dolley before hoping in their cart and driving away.

"Go! Go! Go!" Steve said pushing everyone in front of him. The door had almost completely shut when the tube of green fluid slid in between the gap and stuck there. He slid on his stomach through the opening before it shut, crushing the glass. You ran to help Steve stand up as the acid melted through the floor.

"Still wanna drink that?" Robin asked Erica,who just rolled her eyes. You turned to Steve and sighed.

"Jesus. I thought you weren't gonna make it." You mumbled running your hands down your face. He reached out and grabbed your shoulders gently, "Everyone's fine, we all got out okay, don't worry." He reassured. Robin made a small squeak noise. "I wouldn't say that..."

You turned to look at Robin, "What do you mean-" you cut yourself off when you saw the longest hallway in the history of hallways. "Holy shit." You and Dustin mumbled together. He turned back to you and gave a wonky smile. "This is gonna take forever." You breathed out.

Steve stepped forwards,

"Well then we better get going, hope y'all are in good shape." He turned to your brother and patted his stomach. "Looking at you roast beef." 
You smacked him in the shoulder and he turned to look at you wincing. "Uncalled for." Was all you said to him before linking arms with Robin and walking ahead.

"Why is it always me?" Dustin mumbled.


The five of you had been walking for about and hour when the lights started to flicker.  Suddenly your ears began to ring, and your vision blurred as you collapsed to the floor.

Until suddenly, you were no longer on the linoleum tiles of the hallway. Your fingers touched grass. You stood up and dusted yourself off. You were standing outside the pool, watching as the party snuck inside the locker room. Your body had a strange lightness to it, almost as if you were floating.

Were you dreaming again?

You followed them inside calling out their names.

"Max? Will? Can you hear me?"

They kept moving equipment around ang going on about their business. You walked over so that you were standing behind Eleven.


You said cautiously. If anyone could hear you, she could.

She froze, and turned around facing you.


She asked quietly. She was confused as she looked through you. "El?! Can you hear me!?" You called louder. Hoping this was similar to the dream you had last year.

She didn't speak. maybe she couldn't.

You tried to say something else but Mike rushed in and cut you off. She grabbed the doll on the shelf and pushed past him. They had gathered outside once more and went over their little plan. You stood behind El and rested your hand on her shoulder. She flinched slightly and looked over her shoulder to see nothing.

Okay yeah that's weird.

They got into 'position' as the water in one of the showers turned on. You watched as they lured Billy into the sauna room and locked him inside. He was aggressive, and violent. More so than usual at least. He crumbled to the ground sobbing and pleading for max to believe him about the monster.

Max was standing in front of the small window in the door, wiping the corner of her teary eyes. You stood behind her, placing a hand on her shoulder. You knew she couldn't see you, but god did you wish she could. You wanted to be there for her, for all of them.

Time seemed to slow as you felt a cold chill run up your back.

You felt frozen.

Like you couldn't breathe.

Overall, you just felt cold.

You turned around, just to see if anything was behind you. There was nothing but the boys and El. You noticed mike and Will's faces. Will grasped the back of his neck

Never a good sign with him.

"Max get away from the door." Mike spoke as calmly as possible. She turned to look at him confused. But right as she turned Billy broke through the window reaching for her.

"Let me out of here you bitch!" he yelled out, grasping for her but missing. He pulled the bar from the door handle making the padlock and chains shake.

Everyone stood back as he broke through the door. He gained his bearings before turning to you as a sinister smile tugged at his lips.

"Well isn't this interesting?" he mumbled as he walked towards you. He picked up the metal pipe and chunked it like a javelin.

Straight at your head.

You were caught off guard and couldn't get out of the way in time, so you waited for impact.

But it never came.

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