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Upon entering the creepy metal looking room you shivered at how cold it was. You subconsciously tugged the sleeves of your sweater down some, so the cuffs rested right below your knuckles. The group gathered around the pile of boxes as Steve looked for something to cut them open. "Here." reached into your pocket and unclipped your pocket knife handing it to him. He just looked at you shocked for a minute. "You seriously don't think I'd carry something with me after everything that's happened?" you asked him. Robin quirked her brow, but ultimately shrugged it off. "Yeah, that makes sense." he nodded. Dustin piped up quickly, "Y/n, you've had that since you were 13, you always have it." You deadpanned. "Yup, and I'm still alive aren't I?"

He sliced open the cardboard box and handed the knife back to you after closing it. Inside the cardboard box was a metal case. "That's definitely not Chinese food." he said, looking for a way to open it. You were standing next to him but Dustin pushed you out of the way.

Um, rude?

"Uh, maybe you guys should, you know, stand back." He said. You and the girls immediately took a few steps back. But unfortunately Dustin decided he was gonna be a stubborn ass today.

"No." he said getting closer to Steve.


"Just...Just step back, okay?"


"Step back. Seriously." Steve's voice had a stern tone as he looked between you and the other two girls, assuming he was quietly asking for assistance.

"If you die, I die." Dustin finished. At this Steve looked at you and didn't look away, you rolled your eyes and grabbed Dustin by the collar pulling him back. "Don't be a dumbass." He irritatedly pried your fingers off of his shirt and stumbled back looking at you like you were crazy. By the time you would all looked over at Steve, he was holding a strange large test tube looking thing full of green bubbly liquid. It looked like some form of acid, something you'd see in a Sci-Fi or superhero movie.

Curiously you pulled Dustin behind you and stepped closer to Steve. "What the hell?" He mumbled twisting it around to see if he could find an opening. "What is that?" You questioned aloud as if anyone could honestly answer you. Your body jolted whenever the room slightly shook beneath your feet. At first you thought you were going crazy until it happened again and Robin spoke up."Was that just me, or did the room move?" Everyone looked back and forth between each other the air growing a little tense.

"Booby traps." Erica said rolling her eyes.

"You know what? Let's just grab that and go." Steve said, putting the metal case back into the box and folding the cardboard edges in making it look as if it was unopened. "Which one do I press, Erica?" Dustin asked looking at the confusing panel of buttons and switches.

"Just press the damn button, nerd." She scoffed walking over to him.
"Which one? I'm pressing the button, okay?" He repeatedly clicked one of the buttons on the wall as you tried to get Steve to hand you the green glowing tube. It looked interesting to say the least you wanted to hold it up to the light to see if it looked glowy and shit. But he wouldn't let you.

"Press "open door."

"I'm pressing "open door."

"Just open the... Press the other button." Robin piped up ready to get out of this weird metal room.

"Out of the way so she can push the button-"Steve grumbled walking over to the panel on the wall. Dustin and Erica begin to argue Steve stepping in a few times while they were trying to figure out how to open the doors.

"Would you stop?"

"I'm trying."

"Would you let me just do it?"

Suddenly the room begin to shake again but much vigorously this time. You felt a strange weightlessness until you realized you were actually falling.

"WOAH WHAT THE FUCK!" You cried out as everybody scrambled around. "OH SHIT!" Dustin yelled as he tried to make his way over to you. "WERE GOING DOWN!" Steve screamed as he clutched the bar behind him for support. "YEAH NO SHIT HARRINGTON!" Robin had pulled Erica closer and caught Dustin's arm in time to keep him out of the way of a stack of boxes that were unsteady. Unfortunately for you, they were leaning straight towards you. Before you could think, Steve grabbed you and pulled you into his chest. With another rumble of the elevator room he lost his balance causing you to fall on top of him. One final shake of the room signaled that you had hit the ground. The boxes had tumbled on top of the two of you. Steve's hands cradled your head and back to keep them from injuring you.

Your body was shaking and you whimpered at any sudden movement. Steve's face had buried itself in your hair. "Shhh, hey it's ok. I've got you." He mumbled quietly as his thumb rubbed the small of your back. "I'm right here Y/n."

In an instant the other three were quickly pulling the heavy boxes off of you. Once you sat up you felt light headed. Dustin had crouched down next to you and tried to get your attention but he quickly realized it wasn't working. "Y/n where's your bag?" He asked frantically. You didn't answer him. He looked to Steve who was still holding you. "She didn't have one..." Robin spoke quietly. You shook your head as your eyes fluttered. Steve's hand found the inside of your wrist as he checked your heart rate manually. "I can't count, but that's way too fast." Dustin stood up abruptly and began to pace slightly. "If she doesn't have her meds this is gonna be tough. She always has them so it's been a while since we've had to calm her down without them." Steve  pulled you into his chest and began rolling up your sleeve. He was lightly tracing circles on your forearm. Something that Lucas and Dustin had taught him. His face had buried itself back into your hair as he assured you that you were okay. And eventually he felt your heart rate slow to a normal pace.


Hey guys! Sorry it's been a minute 😅 I've been a little busy with band camp and my senior year starts in 2 days! I hope you enjoyed tho! Sorry if the whole panic attack thing bored you but the character has anxiety. Therefore Im gonna put moments like that in some chapters. Anxiety isn't the same for everyone but this is kinda what it's like for me ig. Anyways I love y'all! And I'll make sure to update faster from now on!

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