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(I hope that y'all are enjoying this!!! I'm also deciding to skip the day where the boys "lost dart" it would only be a filler and I don't know what to write there😅 so we're moving to the day that dart eats mews.)

Your pov

{Enter dream sequence}

You were running. You didn't know why. All you knew was that it wasn't safe. Every thing around you had this red tint to it, and everything looked foggy?

You heard something behind you, so you turned your head slightly only to see Will standing there crying. You stopped running. "Will? Hey where are we? What's wrong?" He only continued to cry. He slowly raised his arm, and pointed behind you. You turned to hear a loud growl. As you finally set your eyes on that thing it took off after you. So you began running again. Will had disappeared. It was only you, running for your life. You heard Nancy scream,


And then Jonathan

"Y/n please help!"


"Y/n,please I need you!"

He was crying

You heard the boys

You began to cry, scared. Absolutely terrified of what's going on. You were running, and running, but you tripped over a spare root. You had dislocated your knee. You pulled yourself behind a tree, covering your mouth with your hand, trying to cover the sobs that escaped your throat.

That not so gentle clicking sound let you know the monster was near. You watched it pass you dragging a decapitated body behind it. You had immediately recognized the bloody jacket and vest that covered the torso of the smaller body.

It was Will

You vomited. But the clicking sound only got louder as you feel something slimy drip on your shoulder. You turn your head slowly to find another Demogorgon inches away from your face. You were trapped. You couldn't move. So you screamed. But as it's face opened up ready to devour you, you fell. You hit the ground in this different place. You were scared and confused. It was black. Everything was black and the ground was covered in a thin layer of water.


You knew that voice


She was standing a few feet in front of you. Her hair was longer and curly. She rushed over to you, crying and you embraced her, still sitting in the floor. "I miss you so much kid,you know that?" You told her. She pulled away from you looking you dead in the eyes.

"Not gone."

She whispered


"Only hiding."

"El? What do you mean?"


{End of dream sequence}

You woke up crying, hugging your knees to your chest. This was a normal night for you. Well everything except for seeing El in your dreams. It felt so real. You heard a thud and a "Son of a bitch!" From your brothers room. You got up to see what the hell was going on. You walked in to see Dustin in full hockey gear. "Okay, what the hell?" He looked over from behind the couch, to make eye contact with you.

You only raised your eyebrows, silently asking for an explanation as to what the hell he was doing. "Look you can't get mad!" You gave him a slow nod furrowing your brows. He motioned you to come closer with his hand. You peeked over the couch to see something horrifying.

It was a baby Demogorgon.
And it was eating your cat.

(Little time skip)

You and Dustin had lured it into the cellar, and you had just come up with a plan. Dustin picked up his radio, "Guys, this is Dustin." he paused and waited "Does anyone copy? This is a code red. I repeat, code red!" Still nothing "I really need someone to pick up here. Hopper's MIA, and I've got a code red!" he was getting more and more frustrated and you could tell. Yeah he definitely gets that from you. "All tight guys I seriously need some on to pick up, this is a code red! Code red!" you heard some static and then another voice, Finally. "Could you please, shut up." it was Lucas's little sister. "Erica? Erica, is Lucas there?" she sighed "Don't know, don't care." he shook his head "Is he with Mike?" she groaned. "Like I said, I don't know and I don't care." you grabbed his radio out of his hand "Hey Erica, can you just let Lucas know that there's a code-" She cut you off "A code red?" you rolled your eyes "Yes! Exactly!" your brother yelled. " "I have a code for you instead. it's called code, Shut your damn mouth." and she turned off the radio.

You had biked to Mike's house. Your motorcycle had a flat and you didn't have time to get it fixed sooo normal bike it is. You were riding down the street with Dustin as fast as you possibly could. When you pulled up to the Wheeler's house, you knocked on the door. Ted answered the door with a bored expression, "Your line has been busy for two hours, do you realize that?" you told him irritated. "Oh I realize" he rolled his eyes "Is Mike here?" Dustin asked quickly out of breath. He leaned back into the house and called out to his wife, "Karen, where is our son?" you heard her voice from the kitchen, "Will's!" You shook your head but thought for a moment. "What about Nancy? Is she here?" He sighed and leaned back into the house again, "Nancy?" he called out. "Ally's!" she also sounded really bored. Wow marriage sounds 'wonderful'. "Ally's" he said simply. "Our children don't live here anymore, didn't you know that? Am I done here?" Dustin grumbled "Son of a bitch, you really are no help you know that?" Dustin told Mr.Wheeler. You laughed as he got offended.

The two of you walked away, trying to come up with a new plan. You saw a car parked in the driveway that wasn't there earlier. " I've been thinking, I'm sorry, I love you, What the hell am I sorry for?" Dustin nudged your arm and pointed to him as he walked up the driveway with flowers in his hand. You caught on and followed him. "Steve!" your brother called out. "Are those for Mrs. Wheeler?" he looked back and forth between the two of you confused "No?" he responded shaking his head. "Good." he took the flowers out of Steve's hand and threw them to you, and in turn, you then chunked them into the backseat of his car. "Hey! What the hell? Hey!" he called out. "Nancy isn't home." Dustin said walking over to his car. "Where is she?" Dustin scoffed "Doesn't matter, we have bigger problems than your love life." He said getting in the front seat. You opened the door to the backseat and got in, but before you shut the door, "Do you still have that bat?" you ask him, he looked even more confused. "Bat? What bat?" Dustin rolled his eyes "The one with the nails dingus." you told him "Why?" you and Dustin looked at each other, and then back to Steve. "We'll explain on the way!" you both said "Now?" You groaned "NOW!" Dustin yelled, and Steve rushed to the drivers side, getting in and buckling up.

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