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Your ears were ringing as you slowly opened your eyes. You were laying on the cold hard ground in an almost empty room only containing two chairs. The lights were dim and gave a blueish hue to everything it touched. You were dazed and pretty out of it as you slowly began to sit up.

What the fuck happened?

You're head was pounding, but why? You reached up to press your cold hands to your face, trying to ground yourself, but stopped when your finger brushed across your top lip. The dried blood from earlier was still there. Suddenly everything hit you like a fucking freight train.

Secret base
The kids



Where the fuck was Steve? Did the kids and Robin make it out ok? How the fuck did the guard get slammed into the wall earlier? Where did they take you? Is Steve ok?

Your thoughts were cut short by the buzzer above the door going off and flashing red for a moment as the door opened. A man with a hat and uniform stepped into the room, followed by another much larger man. You barely had time to register the fact that his hands had blood on them before he threw Steve to the floor in front of you.

You were quick to scoop his upper body into your lap and examine his face. He'd been brutally beaten, his handsome face bleeding in different spots and his left eye was almost completely swollen shut. "Steve? Oh god, please wake up!" You heard the men chuckle and looked up enraged. "What did you bastards do to him!?" You screamed, not caring about the fact that either one of them could've definitely killed you on the spot. You checked Steve's pulse before noticing his ragged breathing.
He was alive.
Thank fucking god

"He is alive, for now" the smaller man spoke through his thick accent. "But your little boyfriend needs a doctor, luckily we have the very best." He chuckles before the bigger man stepped forward and grabbed the two chairs placing them back to back as you tried your best to wake Steve from his comatose. Without warning, you were gripped by the back of your neck and slung into one of the chairs. You did your best to struggle, but to no avail as you were tied down. "LET US GO YOU MOTHER FUCKERS"
The next thing you know the man punches you hard, causing your vision to blur and your mind to fade back into unconsciousness.


You began to stir and the right side of your face was warm. It was throbbing slightly and your cheek had swelled enough that you could see it without a mirror.

Note to self, let's not get knocked out again?

You carefully lifted your head up and tried your best to struggle against the rope. They dug into the skin on your arms and they were tight enough to cut off circulation. You heard a quiet groan from behind you stopping you in your tracks.

"Steve? Hey Steve wake up! Steve!" You yelled out hoping that if you moved enough it would shake him awake. "Please be okay-"
"Stop yelling..." he groaned out cutting you off
"Oh thank god you're awake, are you okay? I mean obviously not but you know what I mean." He groaned out once he realized he was tied down as well. "It hurts to breath, and I feel like my eye is about to pop out of my skull, but other than that I'm doing ok." You exhaled in relief. "What about you? Shit they didn't hurt you did they?! And what was the whole thing with the guards? Am I going crazy or did he fly through the air?" You chuckled at his sudden energy. "You aren't crazy, I saw it too. I'm just not sure how it happened." You mumbled confused, still unable to understand what happened. "How the hell are we gonna get out of this one Henderson?" He asked sarcastically. You looked around the room, spotting a pair of scissors sitting on the medical tray. "I have an idea do you see the scissors sitting on that medical tray?" he turned his head the wrong direction "the other side dumbass" you mumbled. "Yeah, I see them" you look down at the chair to see if your plan could work. "I think if we work together, we can move the chairs at the same time. If I get close enough to the table I can knock them into your lap and you can cut us out of here" he nodded quickly "On three, one, two,... Three!"

The two of you hopped at the same time, pushing on the floor with your feet, so the chairs would move together. "Holy shit this could actually work!" he yelled excitedly. "Are you doubting me, Harrington?" he just laughs as you repeat what you just did getting closer to the table. But unfortunately, the plan failed when the chair begins to tip and you both fall to the floor.

You both just laid there for a minute, you felt defeated and you were scared. You begin to think about everything, between the kids and Robin and you and Steve. You could begin to quietly laugh through tears as you realize that this could be the day that you died. There was so much you wanted to do and now you might die before you get the chance. "Hey, don't cry it's gonna be okay. We're going to get out of here- are you laughing?" He tried to soothe you, but ultimately ended up confused. "I just realized how stupid this is. I mean I could be at home right now with my brother or on a date with you somewhere else, hanging out with Robin or the kids. Sometimes I wonder what would've happened if I would've told you sooner. Maybe we wouldn't be here right now, who knows."

He inhaled like he was going to speak, but no words came out.  "We're gonna get out of here Y/n" he tried to reassure you, though he doesn't sound confident at all. "Are we Steve?"


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 20, 2023 ⏰

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