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This is so stupid!

You were currently sitting on the roof with your brother, Steve, and Robin in the pouring rain. Dustin held the binoculars as the four of you looked down at the loading truck pulling in.

"Look for Imperial Panda and Kaufman Shoes." Robin said wiping hair out of her face.

"They're with that whistling guy, ten o'clock." Dustin pointed out. Your knees were hurting so you repositioned yourself. You placed one hand on the ground and the other on the edge of the wall. Steve looked over to you as you shivered slightly. He wrapped one of his arms around your waist slightly and pulled you closer to him. "What do you think's in there?" he asked. "Guns, bombs?" Dustin listed. "Chemical weapons?" Robin muttered. "Whatever it is, they're armed to the teeth." you concluded leaning into Steve a little bit more to steal his warmth. "Great. That's great." he deadpanned sarcastically. "Hey, what's in there?" Robin asked.

"It's just more boxes." Dustin pulled the binoculars away from his face slightly.

"Let me check it out." Steve grabbed them and tried to take them.

"No, I'm still looking." Dustin raised his voice a little.

"Lemme see it."

"Hang on!"

"Boys!" You called them out. They stopped arguing and looked at you. Lightning struck, followed by aggressive thunder that rumbled the entire building. You jumped and made a slight whimper sound. Steve and Dustin gave you a knowing look. You hated thunder. Well, honestly? You hated all loud unexpected noises. Your breathing picked up a bit, as you began to shiver more. Both out of fear and the face that you were freezing.

"Duck!" Robin said quickly.

Two men with guns were walking around the truck, while one was watching the door. You gripped Steve's hand so tight that your knuckles had turned white, as the rain dripped down your face. You looked over to him. His head was leaning back against the ledge, his brows were furrowed together and water was dripping through the lashes of his closed eyes. As if he could feel your gaze on him he turned his head to face you. Using his free hand he wiped the water out of his eyes. Your breathing was already unsteady from being panicked, but now it was worse.

Seeing him like this was different.

He was mesmerizing.

He seemed to notice the unsteadiness of your breathing. He brought your hand to his lips gently as he rubbed his thumb across the back of your hand comfortingly. You smiled gratefully, and your sporadic calmed slightly. You turned your head to Robin, and then looked to Dustin, who was on the other side of Steve. The four of you crawled your way to the door that lead inside. You needed to get out of there quick. You could hear the stomping of the guard right as you guys reached the door. All of you got inside as quick as possible. You were holding Steve's hand again as you sped down the hall.

"Well, I think we found our Russians." you mumbled out.

Steve didn't let you drive home that night, especially not with Dustin. "If it bothers you so much, take Robin home first, then Dustin. I'll be fine." You pulled out your keys and turned to the door as Dustin ran off to Steve's car with Robin. He caught your arm and snatched your keys out of your hand sticking them in his back pocket. "Not happening Henderson. It's pouring outside and you hate thunder, you jolt every time and you panic. All it takes is one wrong move on that bike, and you're as good as dead." You roll your eyes at him.

But you knew he was right.

You sighed. "Fine, but you're picking us up in the morning." you poked his chest. He chuckled and flashed a smile. "No problem." He was looking down at you. And once again the two of you were super close to eachother. Still soaking wet with water dripping from your hair and clothes. He reached forward and cupped your cheek, peeling your hair away from your face. You held his wrist and leaned into his hand. How was he so warm? You reached for his hair with your free hand, and pushed it back so it wasn't hanging in front of his face anymore. You grinned as he brushed his thumb across your lips. You both leaned forward when Steve's car made a wretched honking sound.

Robin and Dustin.

You sighed pulling away. You looked to the car to see Dustin resting one of his elbows on the console and his chin in his hand. Robin, was sitting in the passenger seat with her arms crossed, a smug grin plastered on both of their faces. She then leaned out of the window of the car, "Not that this isn't adorable, but I was supposed to be home an hour ago!" she yelled. You rolled your eyes giggling and pulling Steve along with you to his car.

You sat in the backseat with Dustin on the way to drop Robin off at her house. Once you had gotten to her house, you noticed Dustin was passed out. You switched to the front seat quietly. The radio was playing, but it was super soft. 'Time after time' was playing. You felt something warm place itself on your thigh. You looked down to find Steve's hand. You smiled and felt your face heat up. You looked over to him, but he stayed focused on the road, a smile tugged at his lips. You wrapped your arm around his and placed your hand on top of his. His smile only got bigger and his thumb gently caressed your cold skin. You placed your head on his shoulder, sighing in content. He leaned down without taking his eyes away from the road, and placed a soft kiss or your head.

Once you got home you untangled yourself from him and woke Dustin up. You watched as he stumbled into the house tiredly. Before you could open your door Steve stopped you. "Hey Y/n?" you turned to look at him. "Yeah?" You asked. He inhaled deeply looking out the window before exhaling and looking back to you. "Do you wanna go out with me tomorrow night?" his eyes locked with yours and your brain shut down.


"I mean, if you don't want to- that's totally fine, I just thought it would be nice-With everything going on between us I thought you might want to-You know what? now it's weird, I shouldn't have said anything, sorry I asked. Just forget about it ok-" You cut off his rambling by grabbing his face with one hand, and his shirt with the other pulling him into a kiss. His hands immediately found your waist and the one gripping his shirt made its way into his hair. The kiss got a little more intense when his hands squeezed your hips lightly. You slightly pulled at the hair on the base of his neck, causing him to groan. Eventually the two of you pulled away, needing air. He cleared his throat, as he caught his breath. "So, a movie or something after my shift?" he mumbled out, sounding shy and flustered. You began to giggle, covering your face with your hands. "Yeah that sounds great actually."

"C-Cool." he stuttered.

"Cool." you smiled getting out of his car.

"Goodnight Steve." You said walking to the front door.

"Goodnight Y/n." he waved as you stepped inside.

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