My Girl

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     Growing up my parents had a lot of friends, and of course their friends children ended up being my friends. Luckily for me my fathers best friend ended up being Ward Cameron, who's daughter Sarah is my best friend. Me and Sarah grew up together, our houses were right across the street from each other so we hung out almost every day and did everything together! The Cameron's were like family, we ate together every Monday night when we were younger and I as I got older I would find myself staying there overnight more frequently, even more than my own house. My dad wasn't around a lot, he was always away for work or on business trips or something. I was used to him not being around though, we didn't really get along the best anymore anyway, and my mother passed away right after I was born so I most of the time had the house to myself.

I was lucky to have the Camerons, they took care of me when neither of my parents could. Rose, Wards new wife and Sarah's step mother always tried to help me out. She helped me when I got my first period, and bought me my first bra. Ward was always telling me to come over and eat with them or stay the night so I wouldn't be alone, he tells me that he looks at me as one of his daughters. Rafe Cameron, the eldest child always teased me growing up but was always super protective too. Especially the older we got, I still haven't had a boyfriend yet because he scares off any guy that looks my way. I actually really like Rafe- like a lot. Rafe was my first crush and to be honest I still have feelings for the boy, but he probably only looks at me as a little sister. Wheezie is their younger sister, she's super cool and is great to hang around.

As for me? I'm Emery Jane Wright. I grew up on figure eight, my dad had a good job and we were super rich (not to brag or anything). Although we had a lot of money it didn't stop me from being friends with the pogues. The pogues lived on the other side of the island, and even though most of the time kooks (people who live in figure eight) don't particularly like pogues. I've been best friends with the pogues for a long time, I met them through Kiara who I've known since I was little, she doesn't consider herself a kook whatsoever. But me and Sarah know where we stand- we are the kook princesses! Everyone knows how filthy rich our families are and nobody would believe us if we said we were pogues!

Emery Wright

Rafe Cameron19

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Rafe Cameron

Sarah Cameron 16

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Sarah Cameron

John Booker Routledge16

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John Booker Routledge

John Booker Routledge16

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Kiara Carrera

Kiara Carrera 16

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JJ Maybank

Pope Heyward16

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Pope Heyward

Topper Thornton

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Topper Thornton

This book is based off the original Netflix series "outer banks"

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This book is based off the original Netflix series "outer banks". I do not claim any of these characters except for Emery or her father. This book will follow some of the main plot but not always since it's more based around Rafe and not all of the pogues (so some stuff with the treasure might not be included). Please leave requests and don't forget to vote! Thank you xxx

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