My story ideas

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Ok the title is super random rn but uh lets use this chapter as a brain dump

Small story ideas for later:

~kidnapped by robotnik shortly after STH2

~Dr. Starline actually successfully kidnapping Tails #36 I think? Anyway it's the scene where he grabbed Tails, but this time instead of Tails attacking/defending, he gets taken (IDW comics)

~Im thinking of having Tails be kidnapped by Marc (Sonic Boom) from biggest fan.
‐Although this alternate episode change would be weird and unnecessary, I could see it happening. In the episode, Marc treated Tails in a rude way; saying things like "quiet Tails;" and clearly showing minor things that demonstrate he doesn't like him, he just shows like digust towards him so im assuming he's jealous of him and Sonic's relationship (FRIENDSHIP, NO SHIP)

~lets take a break from our fox being kidnapped and make a chapter focused on his past and lightning and yes smth that has that involved

~OK LETS SAY THAT: Eggman kidnaps sonic and Tails and they ?DONT¿ escape right away and like Eggman hurts/tests on both of them smth like that. BUT, for the main Tails centric, while sonic is being given tests and Eggman is collecting his data and studying him, lets say Eggman is just giving some mental trauma to Tails behind the scenes😍😍

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