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It's been a couple of days since Ned, Peter and I build the Lego, which Peter knows to keep until we all have time to take it to Ned's place, and since Peter had his panic attack

Now I'm scrolling through my phone watching social media when I receive a message from Peter

Peter P <3

Hey, just thinking would
you wanna join me at the
Stark expo?

Let me ask
Oh, when it is?

Next Friday

Okay thanks
I am going to ask

I run to my mom's room and knock on her door.

"Pase (Come in)" I heard her from the other side

"Hola mamá, ¿Que haces? (Hey mom, what are you doing?)"

"Me alistó para ir al super, ya no tenemos comida (Getting ready to go to the supermarket, we are out of groceries)"

"Cool. Cool. Te quería preguntar algo (Cool. Cool. Hey I want to ask you something)" I wait a couple seconds to a negative respond and didn't get one so I continue "Bueno Peter me preguntó si quería ir con el a la Stark expo y realmente quiero ir, ¿Puedo? (Well Peter ask me if I wanna join him for the Stark expo and I really wanna go so can I?)"

"¿Cuando es? (When it is?)"

"El proximo viernes (Next Friday)"

"Primero haces la tarea luego podrás ir (First you do your homework, then you can go)"

"¡¿Encerio?! (Really?!)"

"Sí (Yes)"

"Oh por dios muchísimas gracias (Oh my god thank you so much)" I run to hug her

"¿Quieres acompañarme? (Hey would you like to come with me to the supermarket?)"

"Claro solo déjame agarrar mis zapatos (Yeah just let me get my shoes)"

I get to my room and in the min, while I look for my sneakers I text Peter

Peter P <3

She let me go

Okay I would get
the tickets

Tell me how much it is I
will pay for mine


o, it's okay I invite

No, really I have some money
saved and I didn't know in what
to speed it, it's okay I will pay

Okay I will let you know

Thanks,  GTG bye


ye :)


We get back from the supermarket an hour ago and now I am doing my biology homework which is due Monday, I know I have two days to do it but I like to sleep until late and be free on the weekends

I was putting my name on my assignment when my phone buzzed, it was Sofia, a girl from my history class


Hey sorry for bothering
you this late but could
you pass me today's notes?
I miss something

Yeah sure

TY so much

No problem

I don't really talk with Sofia but she is a nice person, and every time I need a note from any class I can go to her

It was past midnight when I was about to get in bed when I hear something from outside my window

'It's just the wind' I thought. But then I heard it again 'Okay that definitely isn't wind'

I get closer to the window and open the blind. At that second I jump from the scared it was just Peter in his Spider-Man suit

I open my window and let him in

"Sorry" he apologizes

"It's okay just keep it quiet, or my mom would kill the both of us"

He enters and sits on my desk chair. When he took off his mask I could see some bruises on his face

"What happen to you?"

"I saw this man that was still a bike, didn't though that he would have a razor with him

"Peter we have to talk about this no patrolling after 9 p.m. it's dangerous you can get severely hurt, look at you this isn't going to disappear in a couple of hours"

"Sorry I won't do it again but could you help me?"

"Yes, I'm always gonna do it. Okay?"

He nodded and I cleaned his face and give him a pill for the pain

"Come here in the morning so I can help you cover the bruises"

"Sir Yes Sir" he joked

"Okay go to sleep is really late spidy boy" I kiss his forehead and he giggles at the nickname

He steps out my window and leave, then I when to bed to have some sleep

A/N I am writing this at 6 a.m. lol

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