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I woke up in the middle of the night I took my phone and I could see

03:58 I had bearly sleep its Saturday I have been trying to figure out how to tell Peter what I feel

"Why is this so hard," I thought

I force myself to sleep at the list until 6:00 a.m. When I woke up I staith in bed thinking about how to do it right

"I should insinuate. Or maybe it's best if I just tell him, yes that it is, and then what I run? or I wait for an answer. An answer what is he going to answer me 'I feel the same way' come on there's no way, he would probably be going to tell me 'This is uncomfortable. It's better if we stop hanging out' and pum I lost my best friend. Why did I decide to confess, agh"

I was probably there for more than 40 minutes just staring at my window remembering the day was bitten by the spider. It was the weirdest day of our lives he couldn't stop breaking and getting stuck in things

I smile at the memory

I decided that I would make a plan in the marsh. I change to some shorts and an oversize t-shirt

I got on my way to his apartment and May let me in "Hi sweaty, Peter is in his room"

I got there and knock on his door he yell a 'come in' and I did

He got up from his bed "Hi Levi-" I cut him

I need to tell you something kinda important and if I don't tell you now I am never telling you

"I have to tell you something too, but you first"

"The thing is..." I started to go around not really telling him anything "Levi concentrate" I quickly told to myself "I like you, like... as you like, and I have been feeling like this for so long but I didn't want to say anything because we are friends since we are kids and I didn't want to throw everything to the garbage. So yeah, that. Okay bye" he quickly grabs my waist and I stop moving for the sudden contact

"Since when?" he asks me

"Since we're 8," I said trying to contain my tears

Why did I want to cry?

"Actually I want to -" he was cut by the TV

"Braking new! A car has lost control..."

"We need to go," I said looking at Peter

"We? No me" He said remarking the 'we '

"Yes 'we', I am not letting you go alone to stop a gigantic bus, and we are losing time-fighting"

"Fine" We approach the window and he got out first and took me in his arms and start swinging. All I could do is yell, I hated to swing, I have swing 2 times in my life, counting this one, and in both, I yell as if someone was about to murder me 

Peter let me a block away and I started running when I was there Peter was stopping the car and making sure no one was hurt. Then he started getting away and I run into an alley where he came in some seconds later "Let's go before anyone can see us" I told him wrapping my arms in his neck

We got out of there and get to a near roof

When we land I left out of the roof on my foot by accident and I fell. Peter for the fortune he was still wapping me so I didn't fell to my dead

"It's okay just look at me," he said because I was looking to the ground "It's okay I got you" he then without much complication drag me up the roof again "Let's go to the building" I nod still nervous

When we got there he quickly got off the trim and help me land

When I face up I had Peter's face, covered by the mask, right in front of me. He had his hands on my waist and the distance between our bodies was nonexistent but there were still some cm between our faces "I should go to my apartment before May notice I am gone"

"Yeah I would meet you down" he then stared claiming the side of the building getting to his room

Peter Parker

I got into my room and quickly change my suit for my normal clothes, just then May entered without advertising "Hey... where Levi?"

"She just left" I smile trying to be as convincing as I could

"Okay... well we are going for dinner in 20 minutes," she said and left my room I texted Levi

Levi <33

Hey, I am going out with May, can we meet later?

Yes of course :)

After I text her I just sat on my bed thinking 'I like you like... like you like you' she actually likes me like, like like

But I also put her in danger if it wasn't for me she wouldn't have almost felt from a roof, I almost kill the person that I like who is also my best friend. I am too dangerous to be with, but I really like her, what do I do? or what do I rather? that she is in danger all the time just to be with her or that she is saved by not being near me

Even if it hurts me I rather not seeing her if that makes her be save

I am going to lose her but if she is saved it's worth the risk

Levi Brown

It was 8:30 p.m. and I was at Peter's door

He came out with a sad face

"Hey are you okay," I said trying to approach him, but he stopped me

"Yes, I am okay"

"You didn't tell me what you want to say earlier"

"Yeah, about that I don't like you back" I knew it I should have told him "And I also don't what to be your friend anymore, I don't want to ever see you again" I stand there trying to keep my tears in my eyes

"What? but, why?" I felt a tear on my cheek, the same one Peter once kissed "Is that what you want? Is that what you really want" I emphasize the 'really '

"Yes," he said in a cold tone a tone I have never heard from him, there's always a first time for everything

"Okay, you are never seeing me again" I walk to the elevator trying to keep my composure as much as I could but the instance the elevator doors closed I started sobbing and crying without control

Peter Parker

I got out of my apartment and saw Levi when she saw me she immediately knew I wasn't okay but I didn't let her get near I knew if she hug me I wouldn't be able to do the stupidest thing in my life

"Yeah, about that I don't like you back" what I lie I like her back I have always liked her "And I also don't what to be your friend anymore, I don't want to ever see you again"

Her eyes started to get tears she tries so hard to contain them "What? but, why?" a tear finally fell, I feel so bad I just want to hug her and tell her that this isn't the truth that I like her and I want to date her but I need to stay still "Is that what you want? Is that what you really want" no I don't want this but it's the only way to keep you save... from me

"Yes," I  heard myself with a cold tone I have never talked to her like that

"Okay, you are never seeing me again" she walks away to the elevator without looking back. The second she put her feet inside the elevator I ran to try and ask for forgiveness I was so near when the elevator doors close I could hear her crying

I quickly ran and get out the window I clime to next to her window when I heard her enter her room she was crying so hard, a tear fell from my eyes "I knew it, I am so stupid. Why he would ever look at me?" I didn't move I didn't know she would feel that way but what else could I do, if I got in there I would only ruin more the things

When I got back to my room I started crying until I fall asleep with a picture of Levi and me on my phone

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