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It was Friday morning, I was getting some coffee while checking my phone when someone knock on my front door

"Hey, ready for today?!"

"So ready!" I say while giving little jumps

"I see you took my advise and get up ten minutes early" I look at him shaking my head  in denial

"Actually was a coincidence, I had to use the bathroom"

"It's still a win" I laughed knowing that he will never let it go

"It wasn't like that" I took my bag

"Yes it was thanks to me" I laughed again and he continue "Okay let's go to school"

"Wait" I drank the last sip of my coffee "ready"

He laughed a little and open the door, we get on our way to school

We were in our lockers getting our chem textbooks, Peter close his locker and I accidentally scare him "Don't do that!" he said trying to recover

I laugh really hard "Sorry I  didn't mean it" a pause because of the lack of air "I..." I took some air and calm myself "Just want to know who is going take us to take us to the Expo?"

"Shoot, I didn't think about it"

"So... that means"

"Yes, the subway" I grown

"Agh disgusting"

"You have another idea?"

I nod proudly and also with an innocent smile "We steel Flash car"

"We can't steel flash car" he looks at me in disapproval

"Why not? If we steal it we don't have to use the subway nor the bus anymore"

We were using our computers to see some programs, I rest my hand on the table when I notice that Peter's hand was just some cm away I was getting my hand close when the teacher called my name

"Yes?!" I said taking my hand away and putting it on my hair

"Your resolve"

"Yes, it is stable"

"Perfect," she said, and when with another student

In the afternoon I rush home to do my homework around 4:00 p.m. mom got home eat and did her things

I got a message from Peter

Peter P<3

We are going in 20

okay 👍

I quickly change and put on some shoes, I heard a knock on the door

"¡Mamí, ya me voy! (Mom I am leaving)"

"¿Llevas dinero? ¿Un sueter? (You have money? And a sweater?)"

"Si y si (yes and yes)"

"Okay, nos vemos al rato, diviertete (Okay see you, have fun)"

I open my door and Peter was there with a confused face "Were you fighting?"

"No," I said with a confused face and tone "Why would you think that?"

"You were screaming at each other"

"That?!" he nod "She was in her room and I was  in the entrance for hearing each other"

We head to the subway (cause Peter didn't want to steal a car"

"Stop taking selfies we are almost there"

"I like my outfit and how my eyelashes look" he gave me a look "Okay I will stop

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