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Levi Brown

We got to Bruno's house and we started making popcorn and all the stuff that we needed for the afternoon

"¿Que dices de un poco de tamarindo? (What do you say about some tamarindo?)

"Me encantaria. No he comido en años (

Bruno took out a box of pulparindos and grab a few of them. When we got everything we started watching the movies: No manches Frida, Nosotros los Nobles, and No se aceptan devoluciones

We also watch some episodes of La familia peluche.

"Creo que ya me deberia ir, pero gracias por hoy realmente lo aprecio (I think I should go, but thanks for today I really appreciate it)"

"Claro cuando quieras (Of course whenever you want)" we stayed quiet for a few seconds when Bruno open his arms for a hug which I gave him "Te acompaño a casa (I will walk you home)"

"Okay, gracias (Okay thank you)"

We walk to my building in comfortable silence, some minutes later we were there

"Gracias por acompañarme otra vez (Thank you for walking me again)" I give him a smile

"Siempre (Always)"

"Okay, bye. Nos vemos el lunes (See you on Monday)" I said entering my building and waving at him

I was looking for my keys in my bag when I was walking out of the elevator when I raised my head I saw Peter sitting in front of my door. When I was near him I kick his leg so he would wake up

"Hey," I said when he open his eyes "What are you doing here?"

"I am waiting for you"

"Since when are you here?"


"Good, what? until what hour you would have been here?"

"Until you arrive," he said getting up

"What if I didn't arrive?"

"Well I would have gone out to look for you, as you said"

"Fair enough"

"We need to talk" my heart sank I don't like do words, but I finally nod

"What happens?"

"I am sorry for acting like a jerk and being jealous and saying horrible things about Bruno" I gave him a look "Well the point is that I am sorry and know I understand why are you hanging with him so much and I understand if you want to be more with him than with us"

I started laughing "Sorry, is just that you are so cute. Okay let me explain it my whole life I have been too Hispanic for some people or too white for others and it's this weird in between that makes me feel like I am completely alone in the world, and then Bruno appears and he is just like me, and makes me feel less alone"

"I get it, and I am sorry" I hug him "Hey do you wanna go out tomorrow and swing around the city" I  give him a look "Right you hate swinging" I laugh and say in a whisper 'it's okay' "Well let's do something else, let's go for ice cream or something"

Like a date?

"I would love to"

"Great see you tomorrow" he gave me a quick kiss on the cheek

I enter my apartment and saw that on the kitchen counter was a little note

Cariño, tengo una cena de trabajo (Honey, I have a work dinner)

Te deje comida en el refri (I left you food in the frige)

I ate and then went to my room and put on my playlist I was singing and dancing

Electric Love - BØRNS

"Candy, she is sweet like kindy in my veins"

"I am dying for another taste" I remember the kiss on my cheek

"And every night my mind is running around her"

"Thunder's getting louder and louder"

"Baby, you're like lightning in a bottle"

"I can't let you go now that I got it"

"And all I need is to be struck"

"By your electric love" I took a picture frame with a foto of Peter and me

"Baby, your electric love-" My mom entered the room

"¿Que esta pasando aquí? (What's happening in here)"

"Peter me invito a una cita. No dijo que fuera una cita pero se siente como una (Peter kinda invited me on a date. He didn't say it was a date but it kinda feels it is one I don't know is confusing)"

"Eso es tierno así que ¿porfin le dijiste? (That's really cute. So you finally told him?"

"No, no he averiguado como (I haven't figure out how)"

"Esta bien lo haras. Limpia tu cuarto (It's okay you will. Clean your room)" she said leaving my room

I put my headphones on and continue hearing music for some hours while I clean my room

Baby, your electric love

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