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It's Monday morning I am heading to  school with Peter, we haven't talked since Saturdays night I can feel tension but a weird one, we can't talk without freezing or interrupting each other

These are the things that happen when best friends date each other there is this uncomfortable silence, and these weird situations that just lead to fights and that friendships broke. That is why I decided that I am never going to tell him how I feel, I rather that before losing our friendship

We really didn't talk much on our way to school, we just listen to one of his play

When we arrive we each went to our classes I couldn't focus I was too worried about the situation with Peter

We had gym class in which we did the Capitan America challenge and I used it to distract myself from this whole situation

"Hey take it easy I don't need more injures," the teacher said while I clime the rope

I get down and I was drinking some water when Peter approach me "Hey are you okay? you seem really mad about something"

"Yes, everything is fine" I fake smile. The bell rang and I went to the locker room after I change I just sat in there if it weren't for Sofía I would have just stayed in there having mental fights with myself about my filings I know I shouldn't feel this way because best friends don't fall for each other but I did fell and I fell hard I haven't even had a crush on any other person that isn't Peter since we were 8

I have been fighting these feelings for so long that I am just exhausted, so exhausted that I just give up and let this feeling be there. It's just like drowning if you fight it's exhausting and painful but the second you stop fighting and just accept it you feel some sort of peace. That's what I felt some sort of weird peace knowing I didn't have to fight my feelings anymore but also was scared that one day he would find out and I am not the one who told him.

That would be so much harder than just ignoring all my insecurities and all the things I am afraid of and telling him that I liked him and that I have fallen for him

I don't know how this would turn out if I tell him but I rather lose his friendship because I am honest than lose it because I am a coward

So I guess the moment has arrive

I am telling Peter how I feel

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