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It is Saturday morning and I am digging in my closet to find something to wear, I finally decided to wear a pair of mom jeans, a cute white t-shirt, and one of Peter's jackets that I have stolen over the years. I put on some rings, earrings, and make-up and I was all set for the day and the 'date'

I get out of my room and went to the kitchen, I grab one of my mom's fruit bars and I made some coffee. I sat on one of the counters to eat while I check my phone when I received a text from Peter

Peter P <3

Hey! see u at 4:30 :))

Okay :)

It was 11:00 a.m. so I have plenty of time before seeing Peter so I started reading, cleaning, and looking for stuff I don't need on Amazon, just to kill time soon was 2:45 p.m. I went and grab some leftovers from the last night and eat while watching Lucifer for the 3 time this year

It's been a couple of hours and Peter now will be here in 10 minutes. I quickly brush my teeth, put my phone in my pocket and check myself in the mirror one last time before living. Some minutes later I heard a knock on the door when I open I saw Peter in a gray jumper and some black jeans. He had his skateboard tide on his backpack, I always wanted to learn and he had taught me some things but I am still scared to ride on my own

"Hi" he smiled

"Hi... so where are we going?"

"To the park, we would buy some ice cream, and then we can skate, do you like the plan?" I nod with a big smile on my face "so you're ready?"

"Yes" he held me his hand and I grab it

We were now on our way to the park still holding hands, when we got there we bought some ice creams and sat down on the grass. We stayed laying on the ground my head in his lap for a half hour until we diced to go skate

He stared and I just saw him and took pictures and videos of him. Then he helps me remember a couple of things then we got on the path and started trying but there were way o many people so we decide to go to the parking lot of a supermarket nearby

I started to try to go but I couldn't I  fell way often but Peter was always there to help me

"You got this," he told me while he help me to skate a little, I lost control and felt in Peter who from the sudden extra weight fell to the ground and me behind him. We were laying on the ground me over him when I raise my head I realize how close our faces were I stared at him for a second until I realize how close we were so I stand up quickly, so quickly that I got dizzy 

"Are you okay?" Peter ask

"Yes, guess I should give up on skating," I said sitting down on the skate so as he did

"You just need a little more practice, and for your fortune I am available" I laugh

Maybe it was me but I felt that he was starting to approach his face to mine, my only reaction was to put my head on his shoulder. We started to take selfies and do silly things as we always

When it started to get dark we went home

We were in front of my door "Today was incredible, thanks" I said the last part with a little awareness

"Yeah, we should definitely go out more often" I nod with a smile on my face. He started to approach his face again but this time I just stayed still, he then kiss my cheek I blush and waive at him while getting into my apartment

I get into the kitchen and grab a juice box from the fridge "¿Comó estuvo la cita? (How was the date)"

"Oh! It was magical" I then head to my room where I continue to read my romance book knowing feeling that it could happen to me, with the person I have been in love with since we were 8 years old

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