Chapter One

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Auradon......a place where people smile and celebrate great achievements with everyone in the land, oh you look confused as to who I am...well let me introduce myself

I'm Maverick...interesting name I know but yea and I live on the Isle of the Lost, now I know you guys are wondering why a villain is doing a narration well I wasn't always a villain

I lived on Auradon when I was young and I had friends.....I even fell in love...but I was shown that love isn't real nor was it meant to last from a young age

Maverick's POV (11 year old Maverick)

"Come on Mav we're going to the park" Ben yells as he looks at me before running off to the park, I look up at the man my dad told to take us to the park and he nods causing me to smile and I run after Ben

Ben and I were close I mean he was like a brother to me and well....I dealt with Chad, his other best friend but I could never get tired of one person

"Let's play tag again with Chad" I say as I point to Chad who's on the swings, Ben nods and we run over to Chad

"Chad let's play tag" Ben says excitedly

"Ok......but where's Audrey, she said she'd be here" Chad says confused as he looks around and we do the same, as if right in cue we hear someone yell

"Maverick, Ben" We hear causing us to turn and I see Audrey my crush running towards us

Audrey....a name and face I won't forget and a love I haven't much as I want too

"Audrey" I yell as I run toward her and scoop her up in a hug, she hugs me back tightly

"Sorry I'm late, my grandma made me try on princess dresses all day" Audrey says rolling her eyes

"Well I think you'd look pretty in them" I say smiling, Audrey blushes and smiles at me

"Thank you what are we playing" Audrey says as she grabs my arm and puts her head on my shoulders

"Tag...your it" Chad says before tagging Ben and running, Audrey instantly pulls me away from Ben who runs after Chad

Audrey and I run to the playground and hide under it as we look to see if Ben is looking for us, as I look around I feel Audrey pull on my shirt causing me to look at her

"Yes Audrey" I say nicely, she smiles at me as I sit next to her and look at her curiously, she sighs and grabs my hand causing me to feel butterflies in my stomach and my head to spin

"Grandma told me that.....She wants me to marry Ben when I'm older" Audrey says causing my face to fall

"But....what do you wanna do" I say feeling my heart shattering in my chest, she has no idea that I like her and she seems upset about this

"I wanna marry you" She says causing me to smile widely

"Really" I say excitedly causing Audrey to smile and pull me into a hug, I hug her back and we pull away and look at each other

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