Chapter Seven

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Maverick's POV

I smile as I look at Audrey from across the table, I see her look up at me and blush before going back to eating her food

"I saw you in the broadcast that they did for the VK's coming to your grandmother still bothering you" I say and Audrey says and puts her sandwich down

"Yes...she's very disappointed that I didn't marry she's making me marry Chad instead" She says as we look over to Chad who's struggling to eat his food that I insisted Audrey make him

"I got you Chad" I say before picking up his sandwich and feeding it to him, he smile and bites into it as I put it down and let him chew

"Thanks Maverick" He says with a mouth full of food, I roll my eyes and look back to Audrey who's looking at me lovingly

"Well....I can't say I'm surprised have me now and I don't plan on going anywhere..they can't send me away this time" I say as I put my hand on hers, Audrey smile and grabs my hand and intertwines out fingers

"How could you remain the same in a cruel place like the isle......your still my loving and caring Maverick...with a hot new look might I add" She says causing me to blush and let out a little chuckle as I look down

"Well it wasn't mom..isn't the kindest women, she resents my existence and my love for you...saying it's weak of me to love someone when love isn't real" I say sadly and Audrey kisses my hand

"Love is is the thing that made me this way, that and love me and have loved me for years Mav...and I have loved you for years and we felt that love even across an is very real and if it isn't then I don't know what is" Audrey says as she grabs both my hands

I smile and kiss her fingers before looking at her

"I know.....but I can't shake that some love isn't the love my father and Belle had for me left when their people rejected innocent 11 year old kid who didn't know any better" I say

"Well.....he lost out on a love so great...from a great person...your not all evil, which concerns me" She says causing me to look at her confused

"What do you mean it concerns you" I say a little put off and scared

"I want this kingdom to pay for what they did to you....for that they did to us, and I want you to help me" Audrey says as I lean back in my chair

"Audrey.....I don't know about this-" I go to say but Audrey cuts me off

"No no....don't say a word my love, if you don't want revenge...I'll get it for you...I accept you 5he way you I'll handle things" She says menacingly sweet as she puts her finger up

"But my got your wish...isn't this enough" I say and Audrey stands up and looks at me as she grabs the septar

"They need to pay......they regret nothing about what happened to you.....whether your with me or not....I will make him pay" She says and before I can say anything I feel ropes tie around my wrist

"Audrey...what are you doing" I say as I try to get out do the ropes

"Getting what's darling" She says as I look at Chad who has the same look

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