Chapter Six

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Uma's POV

I walk with Mal and the rest of her minions

"Where do you think Maverick went, I mean your her girlfriend after all" Mal says and I scoff at her as we walk

"Still bitter I see" I say irritatedly

"Well I'm engaged but I still feel weird seeing her not answer my question" She says and I let out a chuckle

"Well Mav is looking for her long lost girlfriend so I bet she's in the same place your leading us too" I say and Mal nods before she keeps walking, I walk with everyone and my mind goes back to what Maverick said

She never talked about her dad or her life on Auradon when we dated or even after we broke up, she just talked about this Audrey girl all the time which lead me to breaking up with her

She was obviously still in love with her and I can't be with someone who isn't in love with me, but I'm curious as to what is going on but I have a feeling I know

"Where are you Maverick" I say to myself

Audrey's POV

I watch Mal and her friends walk through that woods towards the castle in anger, I huff and look through the castle and I freeze when I spot who's in the King and Queens room

"Maverick" I say softly as I run my fingers over the crystal emulating her face

" haven't heard that name in a while....isn't she on the isle because she was a baby demon spawn" Chad says out of the blue, I glare harshly at him causing him to cowardly move away from me

"I-I mean she was a good and cool demon spawn..sorry" He says and I get an idea and look at him with my head tilted

"She'll be here....just needs some reminding " I say and Chad nods in a scared manner as I smile at Maverick looking at her father angrily

"It'll be ok my'll see me soon...I'll take care of everything" I say to the image of Maverick as I start thinking of another plan

Maverick's POV

I stare at my father angrily as I see his stoned face, I walk around my mother and see she's trying to comfort him

"Deadbeats...betrayed me and for what....just to have your pure child get the crown" I say bitterly as I shake my head, suddenly the door opens and Uma walks through with a look that I know too well

"Tell me the truth Maverick" She says with her arms crossed, I look behind her and see the rest of the VKids coming in along with Harry and Gil

"Guys I- fine you know my mother is the queen of hearts" I start, they all nod as they continue to listen

"Well.....My father and the only motherly figure I knew....are sitting right here" I say as I move and motion to Belle and Beast, Mal uncrosses her arms and the rest of the group look shocked beyond belief

"Your the daughter of...."Evie trails off

"Beast and The queen of hearts, yes I am...he had an affair on Belle and she helped raise me until I was 11 when...somehow the whole kingdom must have found out I was half evil half good so....they sent me to the isle" I say sadly

I look to the ground when suddenly I feel arms wrap around me, I look up to see Mall and Uma hugging me

I pull them both close before they pull away and look at me, Uma smacks me upside my head causing me to jump and wince as I hold the back of my head

"You should have told me....I would have been there for you..I would have understood more too" She says and I nod and kiss her forehead before apologizing

" too" Mal says and I nod

"Me talked so much about Audrey and your moms hate for you and your Auradon could have told me your father was beast...especially since you and I talk about everything" Gil says and I nod

"I'm sorry Gil....just never felt right and my father is your Dad's worst enemy...I figured I was safer not saying who he is" I say sincerely and he nods in understanding

Suddenly pink mist starts to come from the ground causing us all to step back a bit

"What the hell" I say, I look to the others who look just as confused

"Maverick....she knows we're here...that your here" Mal says and I look from her to the mist that's surrounding me

Suddenly it grows and surrounds me and I start to panic

"Um guys what's happening" I say and before they can respond I'm teleported out of the room, I fall on my ass in a random house

"Ow....what the hell" I say as I sit up, I look around and see I'm in Audrey's family cottage

I get up quickly and look around to see a blonde boy tied to a chair with a gag in his mouth

"Umm ok not what I expected" I say as I go and take the gag out of his mouth

"Hey Maverick...remember me, Chad your best friend from childhood...hey um can you take me out of these please" He says and I smile a little

"Hey Chad...Umm sure but why are you tied up" I say confused as I take try to take his ties off

"Well ummm.....Maverick..she's here" Chad says scared, I look behind me and see the love of my life standing in front of me looking....very delicious in her outfit

"Audrey" I say softly as I move away from Chad and over to her, Audrey looks at me with a stunned face as she walks towards me and put her hand in my cheek and I move my hand quickly to cover hers

"Maverick....your actually here" She says and I smile widely as I feel my heart burst at hearing her say my name

"I'm here my princess" I say causing Audrey to blush and smile widely at the old nickname

"My prince princess" She says and now it's my turn to blush, she called me that because of my confusion with my gender when we were dating

"I've missed you so much my love...I've been dying to see you everyday since I left" I say as I pull her close by her waist, Audrey puts her free hand on my neck as she plays with the hairs on the back of my head

"Ive missed you so have no idea what I've been through...I've wanted to see you for ages....I even turned evil to get sent to the isle to be with you" She says and I smile and move my hand to her jawline

I look at her lips before moving my eye back to hers and she does the same, we lean in and before we can connect out lips a flash comes up in the septal she's holding

Maleficent's septar

"Those rats" She says as she looks into the septar, I look to see the VKids walking out of the armor room leaving behind the armor figures in the middle of the room

"They got out of my trap....I need another plan" Audrey says and before I can ask any questions, she looks at me lovingly and I melt internally

"But....I want to spend as much time with you as I can.....even though there's no way they won't send me to the isle now....let's have lunch my love..catch up on each other lives" She says before taking my hand and leading me to the kitchen with my love sick puppy smile never leaving her

"Hey um guys....Audrey...can I be let free....or at least have a sandwich and some chips....crap" Chad says and she slumps back in his chair

A/n ok well there's that chapter and I'm kinda happy with them so far I mean finally Audrey and Maverick are reunited, can't wait for Maverick and Ben to reunite lmao


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