Chapter Eight

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Maverick's POV

I snuggle with Audrey as she messes with the VKids, I watch her closely as she looks happy at the panic that's set in with Mal and Uma

" havin fun there" I say causing her to look at me and smile

"Yea...just having fun messing with these two...who you were really close with when you saw your parents" She says and my face falls a bit

"Umm yea uh...I dated Uma and almost dated Mal" I say causing Audrey's face to change from curiosity to anger

"What!" She says as she gets up

"Baby....I don't love them like I love you and I'm telling you the truth....Uma and I broke up because I wasn't in love with her" I say quickly as Audrey stares at me with uncertainty

"How do I know your telling me the could be lying to me like Ben did" She says and look at her with a stern look

"Never compare me to him, I would never do that to you" I say sternly and Audrey sighs

"Your not him do I know your telling me the truth" She says and I take a deep breath before looking back at her

"Take my deck of cards out of my pocket and take flip the first one's a truth card and I will give you the power to use them...all you have to say is truth and what you want to say after you flip the card towards me" I say and Audrey nods hesitantly before reaching in my pocket and taking the cards out

She puts the septar down before flipping the card over and looking at me

"You sure I should do this...are you comfortable with this" She says and I smile a little at her hesitance to spell me

"It's do it...I want you to trust me" I say laughing a little and she nods before taking a deep breath

"Truth" Audrey says before turning the card to me and I feel a wave of chills flush through me and my eyes turn to swirls

"Wow Umm...were you in love with Mal and Uma" She says and as I see images of Mal, Uma and Audrey in front of me with their arms crossed and looking at me expectingly

"No......I'm deeply in love with Audrey...sleeping beauty's daughter...I have been since I was a true love" I say tiredly, I hear a sigh and the images of Mal and Uma vanish

"Hmm...truth.....are you attracted to me and do you see us getting married" Audrey says with a smirk

"I am....I have dreams of us fucking and I want to marry you and have kids" I say in the same tired tone, I vaguely hear Audrey gasp a little and squeal before clearing her throat

" big is your....private area" She says not very confidently

"9 inches" I say and Audrey gasps a little before flipping the card down on the deck and looking at me with a shocked face, I shake my head and look at her with a "really" look

"Did you have to ask those questions babe" I say laughing a little and she laughs with me

"I was just curious....I'm glad I did though" She says as she comes back over to me and sits on my lap

"Well I'm happy you got those answers...there won't be any surprises" I say and she smile and I see a faint blush before she turns away and grabs the septar

"Ughhh...they got out, that's it I have to handle this" Audrey says as she looks into the septar

"Baby...please don't" I say and she looks at me

"Thing have gone too far" She says and I look at her pleadingly and she doesn't meet my eyes

"I'll be back for you my love...I'm gonna make things right" She says as she looks at the spectra one more time

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