Chapter Four

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Maverick's POV

I smile as Harry, Gil and I run out of someone's house, we stole some pop tarts that weren't moldy and some clothes from the son and daughter, well they did I just stole a meaningless bottle of water

"You should have grabbed more little Auradon" Harry says, Gil smacks him upside his head and I smile as I play with my cards

"Thanks Gil and I don't want anything Harry, their house wasn't that good" I say as I flick cards in the air and catch them, since evil magic is banished here I can only do minimal things like small card tricks like putting someone to sleep or making them disappear

We walk around some more as we try to find something to get into, the isle is so dry because everyone in their houses today

"Oh would you look at that" Harry says as he he runs past Gil and I, we come look at each other before following after Harry who is getting on some bikes left outside

"Get on my friends, we're going on a joy ride" He says and I smile as I get on a purple bike and Gil gets on the one in between Harry and i

As if on cue the VKids come out of Dr.Facilier's place

"Oh hello.." Harry says as the VKids come closer, I make eye contact with all of them and they give me a pleading look, my face goes stone cold as I drive off with Harry behind me

We ride through alley ways and roads as the VKids chase us, I listen around before split off with Evie behind me, I start to feel guilt weighing on me and I look behind me to see Evie's starting to slow down

I let out a frustration groan as I drift and stop the bike, I see Evie lean back up and walk towards me as I unclip the helmet from my head and take it off

"You really suck at this being evil thing" She says as I laugh a little as I hand her my helmet and she snatches it

"Well that's what happens when you don't belong here....sorry about the bike" I say and I get off of it and go to walk away

"Maverick" Evie calls after me and I turn around to face her

"Thank you" Evie says and I smile sadly and nod before walking off in a different direction as I feel her eyes on the back of my head

I sigh as i keep walking and my brain goes a mile a minute, why can't I be evil...why can't I do the things my friends do yet I love that rush of adrenaline and fun of doing things I know I shouldn't do

Why can't I just be myself, oh wait I can't because no one loves the real one except for Audrey...who I can't see anymore thanks to my father..god I'm lonely

🎶"Need a girl who can cuddle with me all night
Keep me warm, love me long, be my sunlight
Tell me lies, we can argue, we can fight
Yeah, we did it before, but we'll do it tonight"🎶

I sigh as I look at the mural of the VKids in the alley ways around me

🎶"An afro, black girl with the gold teeth
With dark skin, looking at me like she know me
I wonder if she got the G or the B
Let me find out and see, coming over to me, yeah"🎶

I start thinking of Audrey and I as we played as kids, had sleepovers and cuddles I see the blanket as we told scary stories

"Maverick come closer I missed you" Younger Audrey says causing me to smile before picking her up and running with Audrey laughing as we rounded the corner

Not seeing the sad look on my fathers face as we watches us run off

🎶"These days, I'm way too lonely
I'm missing out, I know
These days, I'm way too alone
And I'm known for giving love away, but"🎶

I kick some rocks in a puddle of water as I walk under a bridge with the VKids picture plasters on a homemade banner, I look up at it as I see Ben's face on it too and I shake my head

🎶"I want someone who love me
I need someone who needs me
'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night
And it's just me in my dreams
So I want someone to love, that's what I fucking want"🎶

I grow angry as I walk over to the arch bridge that I always spray paint, I look at the wall to see we it has a big X through it on Audrey face causing me to clench my jaw in anger and I feel my fangs come out and my claws come out of my fingers along with some hair

🎶"Look, you know it's harder to find in these times
But I got nothing but love on my mind (my mind)
I need a baby with love in my prime
Need an adversary to my "down to marry""🎶

I let out a deep breath and calm down as I get my hidden spray paints and cover the messed up mural in white paint before restarting it

🎶"Like, tell me, "That's life" when I'm stressing at night
Be like, "You'll be okay", and, "Everything's all right, " uh
Let me in that thing, 'cause I'm not wanting anything
But your loving, your body, and a little bit of your brain"🎶

I sort out all the colors and try to keep the image of her that I saw that day in the news when the VKids were bringing kids over

🎶"These days, I'm way too lonely
I'm missing out, I know
These days, I'm way too alone
And I'm known for giving love away, but"🎶

"Dad come on push me on the swing" 6 year old me yells as I run down the hill and to the swing set

"I'm coming Mav" My father says laughing as he runs after me, I smile as I get on the swing, my father smile to me before getting behind me and pushing me on the swing causing me to smile

"Higher" I say and he laughs

"Anything for you kiddo" He says before pushing me higher

"Having heart gets you do you think you ended up make me ashamed of my past everyday" My mother says causing my heart to sink, I shake my head before storming out to house"

🎶"I want someone who love me
I need someone who needs me
'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night
And it's just me in my dreams
So I want someone to love, that's what I fucking want"🎶

I get the base colors as I feel my tears coming down my face and I shape Audrey's face the best I can through my blurry vision

🎶"I want (I) someone to love me
I need (I) someone who needs me
'Cause it don't feel right when it's late at night
And it's just me in my dreams
So I want someone to love, that's what I fucking want"🎶

I sigh as I look at the half done artwork on the wall, I throw my spray can on the ground before walking off to find Harry and Gil

I need a thrill

I walk through the alleyways and find them at the edge of the isle

"Hey there...where your bike" Harry says as he throws the helmet into the water causing me and Gil to chuckle at his eagerness

"Don't worry about it...let me do the honors Harry" I say before grabbing the bike and revving it causing the boys to cheer me on, I pull the bike up on the back tire before kicking it into the water below

" got the idea" Harry says patting my back before walking off , I go to follow him but I feel Gil grab my shoulder

"You ok Mav" Gil says and I let out a sigh and he just nods and puts his arm around me as we follow after Harry who's skipping like a school girl

A/n ok another one down and I'm onto the next so yaayyyyy


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