Chapter Nine

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Maverick's POV

I sit bedside with Audrey as I hold her hand, my leg is shaking impatiently as I look at her worriedly, the deep sleep card did what happened to her mother and not many things can reverse it

One of the options is putting me on edge

I put my girlfriend in an eternal's my fault and I'm scream I can't get her out

"She's going to be fine Maverick" Mal says

"How do you know that.....I'm gonna get sent away and she's gonna be in a deep sleep all because of me...I'll never see her again" I say as I start to tear up

"You will see her again" Ben says causing me to look at him

"You said I'd be sent back and if Im not sent back by you then our parents will send me back themselves...I'm a danger to your throne after all" I say causing everyone to look at us

"Maverick please...once they see you then they can't just send you you have a say" Ben says

"How do we know that I mean we don't even know why she got sent away last time" Uma says skeptically

"I was never told why either" Ben says sadly

"Your parents have to know Ben..they clearly sent Maverick away knowing how I mean they were the king and queen" Mal says and Ben looks away

"No use getting mad at him......he was probably told to not speculate" I say causing everyone to look at me sympathetically but I look at Audrey, I kiss her hand as I feel the guilt building every time I look at her

"Hades ember can wake her up.....but I can't do it" Mal says and I look up at her

"Hades has too" I say and she nods and everyone is now looking at Mal

"Wait why Hades" Ben says and Mal looks away

"Because he's my father" She says and Ben nods in disbelief

"And you never told me that" He says

"And you never told me that you had a sister, an older sister at that" Mal argues back

"Enough! Deal with your issues later, my girl is in a coma and whatever we need to do to fix it we do alright" I yell and Ben nods along with Mal

" can he get here...and what if it doesn't work" I say with hesitation

"He comes in the morning...and if it doesn't work then.....true loves kiss will have to work" She says and I nod as I feel anxiety rush through me

"Of course" I say, my mother words ring through my head as I start to think of how Audrey will be woken up

Insert mothers love line here

"Well if y'all go get him them I'll go back....the isle is my home and someone needs to be there to protect it" Uma says and I smile

"Well the isle will be in good hands" Mal says and I nod

"Well you'll need your first mate" Harry says to Uma and I smile as I watch him give her heart eyes

"Can I go too...I miss it and I can't just leave" Celia says and Mal nods, I feel all eyes on me and I look to Ben

"I want to much as I'll miss my friends who are my family future queen needs me...and this is my true home" I say as I look to Harry, Gill them Uma before turning to Audrey

"I just hope that she wakes up" I say, I tune everyone out as Mal apologizes for lying about the kids coming from the isle

" can sleep in your old and dad never changed it and if your staying then you can have it back" Ben says causing me to smile

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