Chapter Ten

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Maverick's POV

I sit with Audrey as I hold her close and look at everyone around us, I see my father and mother looking at me but I don't meet their eyes, Audrey moves to the foot of the bed and towards Mal and Ben

"I'm sorry.....I wanted to hurt you both, I wanted to hurt all of you....just so I could see my true love again.....I used Ben to get to the crown in an attempt to see Maverick again....I'm so so sorry" Audrey says sincerely

I watch Mal take Audrey's hands and look at me before looking at Audrey

"I have owed you an apology for a very long time now" Mal says

"And so have I for  how we ended were my childhood best friend...I had opportunities to give you the one thing you asked for...for years and didn't" Ben says sincerely

"And I have owed you an apology...Mal.....and Maverick...take care of my daughter, no matter my feelings of you two can never doubt true loves kiss" Audrey's Grandmother says before bowing to Mal and giving me a small smile

I give her one back before evoking to Hades who's getting escorted out of the room, I immediately get ups nod follow Mal out of the room

"Dad" Mal says causing the guards and Hades to turn around

"Now I'm going to have to miss you all over again" Mal says sadly

"Thanks for a glimpse at the sun" Hades says smiling and I smile back

"Thank you Hades...not just fir this but...for being the father I didn't have for a while" I say and I see him smile and roll his eyes

"I will always be that for you...both of you, even from afar" He says, Mal and I  walkover to him, Mal gives him a kiss on the cheek while I hug him causing him to groan since he's not used to it

Hades turns around and as he dies he hands Mal the ember  before walking off with the guards, I pull Mal close as she cries when suddenly I hear someone clear their throat

I turn around to see my father standing there along with Belle, I look to Mal and she nods for me to go as she wipes her tears

I nod and walk over to them, they stare at me and I can tell they have a lot of guilt and remorse

I can feel it

"We have a lot to talk about.....and I'm willing to forgive if it means staying here...hate to admit but I've missed you guys" I say and they nod

"We're incredibly sorry Maverick....he should have been parents not just King and were an innocent child and we should have just loved you for you from the beginning...your not my blood but you are my daughter" Belle says as she wipes her tears

"I should have been a better father....I'm grateful for the people you had around you minus your mother but....I should have been there for you...I'm so sorry Maverick" My father says and I wipe my tears as they pull me into a group hug with them

I sigh in content as I feel the love I was missing for year come rushing back, we pull away and I take a deep breath as I try to calm down

"I have one question though" I starts causing them to nod for me to continue

"Who....leaked that I was half villain to the royal people" I say causing them to look at each other before looking at me

"It was....Audrey's grandmother...she did it to separate you and Audrey before things got out of hand in her words, she blackmailed us and when we didn't comply...she leaked your birth certificate to everyone...hence the rushed way you were taken away..not only to save us from being overthrown from bullying and harassment" My father says

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