Chapter Five

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Audrey's POV

I smile as I stand behind Ben who looks stressed beyond belief, he thinks I have a list on demands so this is my chance

"Just one" I say causing Ben to jump out of his seat as he looks at me with fear present in his eyes

"I demand to be sent to the isle...or an alternative bring Maverick back to Auradon" I say and Ben's eye widen

"What! I can't do that....she could be dangerous Audrey" Ben says causing me to glare at him as I walk closer

"You have taken ever last bit of my options away by leaving me for Mal....knowing my grandmother was pressuring me queen was taken and you have the power to bring her back...she is your older sister after all" I say causing Ben to gulp

"I can' don't know her anymore...she could have forgotten about us" He says and my eyes turn cold

"She didn't forget about you....she couldn't have forgotten about me...she couldn't have and wouldn't hurt me, you saw her..she's not all evil" I say angrily

"Audrey I am not letting her come back to Auradon, and I'm not sending you'll be ripped apart " Ben says holding his ground

"And Maverick wasn't when she was sent there...I'll be fine, your just being selfish because she could be Queen over you" I say bitterly, Ben looks away from me and I shake my head at him

"Your just like your father...and the rest of Auradon....if you won't send me....I'll make sure I'm sent there" I say before zapping Ben causing him to fall to the floor

"Auradon is a lie....this place isn't for the's for the scared and you will all suffer" I say before sending a beam through Auradon that turns people to stone

I laugh evilly as start creating a plan in my head, this will surely get me sent off

Maverick's POV

I walk with Gil and Harry as we look for the VKids to mess with them some more, we walk back to the main area and see them walking out of the barrier

My eyes widen as I think of every possibility...but one possibility sticks in my head

"Let's go" I say before sprinting to the barrier with Harry and Gil behind me, just as it's about to close we all lunge through just in time for it to close

"We did it" I say and we all hug before looking at the VKids who look very irritated

"Hey guys...we're just coming for a..visit" Harry says all three of us walk toward them but I push past Carlos but Mal grabs me

"What's are you doing Maverick" She says and I smirk

"Just thought I'd pay the old home a visit" I say causing Mal's eye to widen a bit

"What do you mean old home" She says and I hear Harry and Gil laughing causing me to roll my eyes

"Oh you didn't know....our pal Maverick over here lived on Auradon before you guys did..well until her fat-" Gil goes to say but I gesture for him to stop and he does

"You lived in Auradon.....that makes a lot of sense" Mal says causing me to shrug

"Why did you think everyone on the isle avoided my mother and I...or why my mother and I don't get along" I say causing the VKids to look at me sympathetically but I wave them off

I go to walk away and toward Auradon but Jay pushes me back

"Don't touch me...I have someone to visit" I say as I go to go past Jay but he pushes me back and I push him

"Move out of my way" I say and as I fight with Jay, Mal drops something causing us to look down as she starts to freak out when suddenly it's caught by a tentacle in the water below

A smile creeps up on my face as Uma emerges from the water

"Uma baby" I say, Uma smiles at me and blows me a kiss as she looks at Mal smugly

"Drop something" She says sarcastically

"It can't get wet, give it back before it goes out" Mal yells and Uma laughs before going back into the water, I look at Mal and the panic in her face tells me this is very important

"What are you doing with this thing anyway" I say confused and Mal looks at me with a glare before looking to Uma who leaps out the water and lands in the bridge next to me

"Uma" Harry, Gil and I say happily as we all hug her, she smiles and hugs us back before looking to me

She caresses my face and smiles at me causing me to do the same, she pats my cheek before looking to Mal

As they argue I tune it out as I look to Auradon with a sad look

"Uma I need that to break a spell" Mal says

"Cast by Audrey, sleeping beauty's daughter" Carlos says causing me to perk up

"What....Audrey...she casted a spell...she did something bad...oh no" I say as I look at the VKids who look very confused, I look to Auradon as Uma groans

"Maverick....what are you thinking about" Uma says but I don't answer, I immediately sprint towards Auradon as everyone behind me yells for me but I keep running until I'm in the familiar forest area

I look through it as I get glimpses of my childhood memories and the laughs of my friends and I ring through my head

I stop once I'm staring at the last place I was in Auradon, in the main courtyard where I was forced into a limo and driven away from my girlfriend

"You ok Maverick" Uma says as she wraps her arms around my waist, I let out a sad breath as I stare at Auradon prep

"No.....I need to find her" I say, I feel a hand in my shoulder and I know it's Gil

I put my hand in his as I detach from both of them and look at the rest of the guys behind me

"Where do you think she is" I say anxiously as I look at all the sleeping people

"Don't know...last I saw her she turned me into an old lady" Mal says causing me to laugh a little

" girl" I say and the VKids look at me confused, I sigh and look at the ground before looking to them

"Audrey and I dated while I was here....My parents sent me to the isle when I was 11" I say causing them all to look at each other

"Wait I thought your mother was The queen of hearts" Evie says confused

"She birth mother but...sorry to break it to you Mal but...Ben hasn't told you the whole truth" I say and now all of them are looking at me crazy

"What do you mean Ben hasn't told me us the whole truth" Jay says confused

"Yea what have you not told me Maverick" Uma says and I don't make eye contact with her

"Yea and never told me the name of your father so what does he have to do with Ben" Gil says sadly, I look at them all before shaking my head

"I- We have bigger fish to fry ok forget it" I say causing them all to sigh and look around

I look and see Gil talking to Jay and Uma looking around thinking hard, I look to Carlos who's distracted and Harry who's stealing money from someone's wallet

I take my chance and split off from the group to look for Audrey, I run off towards the castle and I rush into the doors and look around as everyone is turned to stone

I walk past them and open up one of the doors to the castle and see two figures turned to stone, Belle and Beast

"Well....hello mom and dad..nice to see you two again" I say with a sigh

Not the family reunion I was looking for

A/n well then...,,I'm sorry but Maverick is too impatient for that all back and forth of leadership with Mal and Uma and so am I lmao


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